Moving to Florida


Well-Known Member
Hey all,
Recently found out I'm being stationed at Whiting Field, FL in a few months, and of course the first thing I found myself researching (before housing!) are casinos in the region :rolleyes: My preferable conditions are good pitch games (higher limits OK), followed by decent trackable (non asm or stutter-shuffled) games. I'm willing to drive <200 mi.

So far, from reading around, it looks like my best bet is the 134 mile drive west to Biloxi. Any other suggestions from people in the region?


Yes your best bet will be biloxi. But you can pray for some changes to the good with a hopeful gambling expansion coming up. Im hoping they allow paramutuals to have BJ, but my only concern is the rules, and ofcoarse CSM

hardrock tampa and hollywood wont be worth it for you unless your playing 50-100 min sometimes im sure you can find 25min mid week early morning.