MS & LA gulf coast

I'll be heading to Bay St. Louis, MS and New Orleans, LA in June for some family business but will also have some BJ time. Has anyone played in the casinos down there recently? Are there any great games or "must avoid" ones? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I was there a year ago.

I'm pretty sure there were shoe games accross the board..

but also some of the best double deck I HAVE EVER SEEN

DOA, DAS, 3:2, S17, no surrender

watch for heat tho...


Well-Known Member
anyone on this board live in this area? I play these casinos every now and then and if i knew anyone in the area besides the wifes family i would go to the coast more often. as it is, i play lake charles quite a bit.



Well-Known Member
anything worth playing in baton rouge? i am in the army and stationed about 2 hours north of you, i wouldnt mind finding people to play with. the casinos near me arnt great but i wouldnt mind driving a bit to get to better ones


Active Member
Fort Polk I am guessing right? I am an ROTC student here. Anyways I haven't really found anything worth your time down here if you are looking to make a killing if you know what I mean. Basically I just use the casinos down here as a way to get some practice in with all the environmental distractors so when I go back home in the summer time to Vegas I am ready to rock and roll. The best place I have found for BJ in the area is the Beau Rivage but that is in Biloxi. The other casinos in Baton Rouge like Hollywood and the Belle of Baton Rouge really aren't worth your time driving down for in my opinion. Although I did have a good run at the Paragon in Marksville.

Either way you aren't going to find much down here in Baton Rouge that is serious. Especially since they even get the hint you are playing perfect BS they tend to start backing you off. I have heard though and you can verify that there is a pretty good casino around the Natchitoches area which is in your backyard. I am not positive this is what I heard or it might be in Coushatta I am not sure?


Well-Known Member
coushatta wasnt too bad but once they found out i was in the army, i kept getting all kinds of questions related to that from dealers who's husbands were in iraq. i did ok at lake charles a couple weeks ago.

i might head that way and check out some shopping here in the next week or two



New Member
ccl said:
anything worth playing in baton rouge? i am in the army and stationed about 2 hours north of you, i wouldnt mind finding people to play with. the casinos near me arnt great but i wouldnt mind driving a bit to get to better ones
These pit puppies here in Baton Rouge are dummies. I took about $4K from them playing DD. Subsequently, I came in to play in the morning and saw the pups conferring, so I sat down at a $5 table. The first pair of tens I split. Everyone at the table howled, the dealer groaned. The pups looked over and saw what was going on. I said 'I'm going to another table" and sat at the neighboring DD table. I overheard one of the pups say, "Why are you worrying about him? He doesn't even know Basic Strategy". Half an hour and $700 later I left. The DD game isn't technically great, but the pits here are clueless.:)


Well-Known Member
i just got back from MS, i couldnt get anything started at the decent tables in biloxi, i ended up clearing about $3,000 off the continuous shufflers though, they do good for me only there. it was a last resort try that worked out pretty good


Well-Known Member
I was in New Orleans a few weeks back and played at three casinos: Boomtown, Treasure Chest, and Harrah's. Boomtown and TC had some decent 6-deck games, giving favorable rules with the exception of H17. Harrah's, however, was a freaking joke. Dozens of BJ tables, all 8-deck, all H17. This game was deplorable. But given that Harrah's was walking distance from our hotel, and the other places were 20+ minutes away, I spent a bit too much time there.

Oh well, everything other aspect of the trip was awesome.:cool:


Well-Known Member
ive been staying and playing in the lake charles area, other than the single deck tables, isle of capri and lauberge du lac didnt seem to have too bad of games.



Played a decent game this weekend at Ilse of Capri.

15 min, DD, S17, Double any 2, Re-Split Aces, 50% Pen.

Everything else was 8 decks.. uggh.


New Member
Laberge Du Lac seems to have mostly 50% penetration in double deck games $100 and up. Anyone have recomendations for other better double deck games?


Well-Known Member
i play at the isle there seems a better game to me, plus its usually a $25 table on weekends, only problem is its usually almost full, but the high limit pit looks to be the same as their $25 only $50 mins