My 2 blackjack trips, please provide feedback!


New Member
Okay guys, I need to get everything outta my head and express it here since none of my friends gives a **** about card counting.

Since I have been unemployed for more than half a year already I decided to make the best use of my time and the unemployment benefits I'm receiving.
Somehow, blackjack crossed my mind and I took up an interest in it and did some research. I quickly became very excited and found a partner that shared the same interest. After the research, I decided for us to use the Hi/Lo card counting system with a bet spread of 1-5.

After a few days of practicing I was able to count down a deck of card at around 25 seconds and lower. I know that speed without accuracy defeats the whole purpose of counting. If you can't keep an accurate count then you shouldn't be in the business. I tried to keep an accurate count with good speed while playing games and watching t.v.. As I got better at counting I decided to ask my partner to come over so I can give him an overview of it. But before that, I wanted to motivate him by letting him watch the movie 21 first. Not that movtiviating i would say... I went on ahead and introduced him to the HI/LO count system, 2-6 = +1 , 10,J,Q,K,A= -1, 7-9= 0. As we began, he told me that it was easier to keep count, by adding all the "big pictures cards" then subtracting all the "small picture cards". I told him that it would be too confusing running around in circles on the table adding the big cards and repeating the same process with the small cards. Result? Not one time did he do an accurate count during the blackjack simulation. He couldn't even get the values correctly, his logic was that big cards are good for us right? So in his head he said it should be +1, and 2-6 cards which are bad for the players should be minus 1. I guess in his mind... good cards are positive and bad cards are negative. It really pissed me off, he couldn't count the way I want him to do it, he does the stupid big card and small card count and can't even get the value correctly. But anyway we decided to make our first trip to the casinos. I will be carding counting and using perfect BS, as for my partner he will use only be using BS. I wasn't even sure if it was a good idea for us to play together on the same table. He agreed that he will follow my bet once the true count gets good.

The first trip took place in earlier October,2009, about 3 days. We mostly sat on the same blackjack table, not sure if that was a good idea, I need feedback on this guys. To keep a long story short, our profit came out to be +1162. I pretty much made money on every session I sat in but 1 through out the trip. My partner made a lil here and there, but since he lost his whole buy-in a few times he is at loss. Considering he mostly broke-even and loses money. So what I am trying to say is that I was able pull a $1k+ profit on top of the losses that was sustained by my partner. I believe that my partner hindered our progress. How? Let me explain!
1. When we were up with a good amount of money, he never wants to leave when I ask him to, the count is done, the shoe restarted, but yet he wants to stay. So we end up staying and losing half of our profit every freaking session.
2. Let's just say he's $10-30 dollar away from breaking even and I colored in the profit already. I would have to sit there and watch him play catch up, risking more to win back the $10-30. Gotta keep in mind that he's not counting, he's playin basics and hoping to get lucky doing the min Bet. Of course, most of the time he would end up losing more and unable to to recover back the losses while playing his catch up games.
3. As we agreed that we will bet big when the count is good. He always bet half of my max bets. Even with card counting, we know that blackjack, and any other game is a game of luck, besides poker that is. For one of the session, the true count was a 5 after subtracting the offset, and it was towards the end of the shoe. We got unlucky and lost our hands, but the running count/true count just got higher and this calls for the same bet or a even bigger bet for the next hand. The next hand I kept it at max bet, my partner lowered it to the minimum. I'm like looking at him with steam coming outta my head like... WTF is he doing, are we like doing this together or what
Overall we came out ahead and I knew what I was doing. I'm sure i needed more practice and my partner agreed to take the time out to learn card counting.

Our 2nd trip would be for 4 days on early Nov. 2009, in which we just got back from it. Before we went, I was so excited and prepared to do a killing at the casino. Let me continue with my story. After the first trip, we had 1 month to prepare, improve my play and to get my partner up to speed, and to devise some strategy we can both use as a team. Oct, 6 we were back from the first trip, 2nd trip starts on the Nov 1st, just to give you guys a timeline. My partner told me that he would start going over the card counting stuff and the lessons in 2 weeks, which should land somewhere in mid OCT. We agreed to run blackjack simulations in my home so that we can figure stuff out. For some strange reason, he wanted to do everything 2 weeks later in mid OCT. When the time came, he briefly went over the stuff and told me he read up about the lessons. Partner said " i'll come out and do the blackjack simulation with you everyday on the last week till we hit the casino which should be OCT,26 - OCT 31st. As the 2nd trip drew closer and the blackjack practice drew even closer, without notice he told me that he will show up for 2 days only to do the simulation, because he was not up to speed with the card counting and would need to do more practice and reading at home by himself. By that time I knew he wasn't going to do any of it. Then my partner agreed to show up on OCT 28th & 29th. When those 2 days came, he then postponed to friday and sat. On thursday night he told me that we will either come out on friday or sat. Com'on guys no need to tell you what happened, he ended up not coming out at all for any of those days. The day came and we headed to the casino, our 2nd trip together. My partner still couldn't count, still only sticking with Basic Strategy. But somehow I convinced him to count anyway while he was there. Of course, only to follow my bets and not his own. 2 days into the trip on NOV,2, after one of the session, while walking back to the hotel I asked him what was the highest count towards the end of the shoe, He told me the running count was a 6, my running count was a 19. First of all he was so off, off by 13, and yeah... youguys might be thinking i could be wrong too but yeah, i figured out a way to keep my count and I am very confident with my count. I used whatever was on the table as a tool to keep my count. The tool acted like a calculator for me. How can he be so off with the count? So I'm thinking this guy can't count at all, did I find the wrong partner, and obviously he cant' count he didnt' even put any time/effort on it.
This is pissing me off and I really really really need feedbacks on this. When we were back to the hotel for a break, I took out a deck of cards and wanted to see how he counts. I passed out 6 hands (paired it up) and ran it like 3-4 times. For some reason he somehow got the count correct, but at the same time he tells me that he can do the count now but he can't count down a deck of cards (52cards). After running it 3-4 times with him, he now tells me that he can count cards. No effort, no practice, it was just that 3-4 run we did back into the hotel that somehow he believes made him understand on how to count. Not just knowing how to count, he said he's pretty accurate and confident enough for me to put a $500 bet on a hand, while trusting his count. Guys, seriously, do you believe he can count now, and should I waste any more freaking time with this guy. Now he's telling me, he can do it now, and he will prove it to me by coming out and doing a few shoe run and confirming the count with me. i told him that there's more than just counting to win money, counting should be the easiest part of it all. Then he defines the running count, true count, and how to calculate the betting, he defines it all for me. Man, you dont' need to define anything for me, anyone can google that **** and iterate it back out. What I want is a partner/team that can contribute to the success of the team. Unique Strategy never been created before, or known strategy that we can incorporate into ours. I'm getting none of that from him, nothing at all, no feedbacks on my play. nothing at all. All I'm getting is, "I noticed that you were losing and you were hopping around from tables to tables and occasionally betting big when the count was obivouslygood", like those type of garbarge feedback doesn't say ***.

My partner now tells me that he wants to go as early as next week. Oh yeah, on our 2nd trip, we lost a total of $1500. we both lost about $750+ each. I lost about $(30) in blackjack, I played the full 4 days, most of the other losses were in poker. It was so bad that we had no plans for blackjack, we resorted to poker. My partner's losses were all from blackjack. He's a decent poker player, the winnings he got from poker was just enough to offset the amount he lost earlier in poker.

So what you guys think? should I still do blackjack with him? i SAY HE CAN'T COUNT AT ALL, he tells me he can count and he will prove it to me. people take 6month to 1 year to master card counting and still might not be as good as they think. My partner after 3-4 hands of dealing, think he's good at it now. I need some feedback guys, is my partner a idiot? should i give up on him and just play blackjack myself? or do you guys recommend any training where I can test him and see if he actually know what he's doing.

please let me think about what you guys think about the whole story and my partner. I am very fustrated and pissed of about it, considering all that has happened and he tells me THAT HE CAN COUNT*

Thanks everyone, much appreciated!


Well-Known Member

It is much harder (than you understand at this early stage in your Card Counting), to actually succeed in the long run.
If you drag along "deadwood" you have NO chance at all.
His level of motivation is nowhere near what it MUST be.
Get smart or get "broke"


A 5-1 spread is worthless in a shoe game.

If that is what you are playing, even with fine rules and deep penetration you will not break even over the long run.

Do you understand what kind of bankroll you need ?

What have you read thus far?

Where are you playing and what games.

You said: "The tool acted like a calculator for me."

That fools nobody. Do not use your chips to keep count.


Well-Known Member
What do you need a partner for...especially a stubborn "I know it all" partner that's clueless? Next trip you play Blackjack and let him play poker. I would think that would work out much better. He's obviously either not serious about learning to count properly or he has some kind of learning disability that hinders him from doing so. So why force him to play a game he either can't or won't take seriously? Let him play what he's best at: Poker.

Mr. T

Well-Known Member

Since I have been unemployed for more than half a year already I decided to make the best use of my time and the unemployment benefits I'm receiving.

I know you do not like me saying this to you.

But unemployment and gambling is a deadly mixture. Especially after 6 months your benefits would run out soon. I know all other members here are 100% with me on these things.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. You really are not ready for this at all. Your focus should be finding real work. You're in very dangerous territory and are very likely to get into real trouble. Stop now!



I have you beat! A half a year? I have been unemployed for 6 years! The thing is that I can well afford to be unemployed is all. I think you need to do some further reading and studying as Flash suggested because if you are in any way reliant upon some meager and temporary income, such as an unemployment check then you may be walking a tightrope with no safety net, particularly if you are packing some "dead weight" along with you. Using nothing more than a basic hi-lo count is not very reassuring either. Be careful, be cautious, study more, learn a more complex count that is more effective, do all you can. Lots of people get financially devastated at this even if very prepared. There are a lot of resources available that can help you that are either free or inexpensive and a lot of valuable information that can be obtained from others, such as 4 or 5 of the professionals on this site (provided they are willing to help you). Except for Flash... he is an expert and all but... did you ever see that movie "Scanners"? Where the guys brain waves pump into the other person's head so fast that the guy's head explodes? Read some blackjack books, get some help from some people on this site... and THEN ping on Flash so your head does not explode!!!Hahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(Sorry, Flash... just busting chops over the 2 weeks of analysis and comparison of various side counts back and forth!). There are a few really knowledgeable, talented people around this place.

Counting in itself is not enough. There is a lot more to learn to be successful. I hate to see or hear about people getting slaughtered but it happens to most and there is nothing I can do about it except for hoping for the best for the people trying to improve their blackjack game and become profitable.


Well-Known Member
Posts like this pop up every so often and I am always stunned by the responses. I am quite sure that everyone has the best of intentions, but it's misplaced on this website. This is a Blackjack related website and we should limit the responses to the blackjack contents. It's not the Dr Phil website, or the Ann Landers message board, or Father Knows best. We shouldn't be telling someone how to use their free time or unemployment compensation. It's not the place to tell someone that they have made poor choices. They are adults and have made those choices and more importantly have the right to make those poor choices.

Now, I realize that supomono asked for feedback, but nothing in his post suggusts he was asking for feedback of his personal choice to use his down time and unemployment benefits. Since he laid out details of his trips and play so far, I think he was looking for feedback on his blackjack play and partner situation. Let's remember that this is


New Member

First, Thank you everyone for their feedbacks and concern. I know I shouldn't be doing it, but I do want to be able to look back and tell my kids/grand kids what I did when I was younger. How come everyone else got to try it out when they were younger and why can't I? I dont' want any regrets, but i know i shouldnt' be dong this. But look at it this way, I have a degree, some source of income and most important, unlimited free time as of now. I did apply for jobs, i'm just waiting for a response. I just want to be productive, active, and have fun in the mean time before I go back to a full time working boring @$$ life.

Hopefully in a few months I'll get a response back and get a job. But in the mean time, I'm getting room offers, some source of income, a lot of time on hand and it's getting cold. What is there better to do?

But of course, if it seems like I'm wasting my money on blackjack then i'll definitely look into it and step on the brakes. Just wondering if there's anyone in a similar situation as me? I'm sure i'm not the only one out there(on this website)


Well-Known Member
supomono said:
First, Thank you everyone for their feedbacks and concern. I know I shouldn't be doing it, but I do want to be able to look back and tell my kids/grand kids what I did when I was younger. How come everyone else got to try it out when they were younger and why can't I? I dont' want any regrets, but i know i shouldnt' be dong this. But look at it this way, I have a degree, some source of income and most important, unlimited free time as of now. I did apply for jobs, i'm just waiting for a response. I just want to be productive, active, and have fun in the mean time before I go back to a full time working boring @$$ life.

Hopefully in a few months I'll get a response back and get a job. But in the mean time, I'm getting room offers, some source of income, a lot of time on hand and it's getting cold. What is there better to do?

But of course, if it seems like I'm wasting my money on blackjack then i'll definitely look into it and step on the brakes. Just wondering if there's anyone in a similar situation as me? I'm sure i'm not the only one out there(on this website)
Hi there i am in the exact same situations with you :). well me and my friend we both play in the uk. We have doubled our BR so far! and we both don't have a job! But it is definitly getting his through and paying for everyday needs!

But we only need to drive 15 mins and we have 4 casino to choose from!



Well-Known Member
supomono said:
Okay guys, I need to get everything outta my head and express it here since none of my friends gives a **** about card counting.

Since I have been unemployed for more than half a year already I decided to make the best use of my time and the unemployment benefits I'm receiving.
Somehow, blackjack crossed my mind and I took up an interest in it and did some research. I quickly became very excited and found a partner that shared the same interest. After the research, I decided for us to use the Hi/Lo card counting system with a bet spread of 1-5.

After a few days of practicing I was able to count down a deck of card at around 25 seconds and lower. I know that speed without accuracy defeats the whole purpose of counting. If you can't keep an accurate count then you shouldn't be in the business. I tried to keep an accurate count with good speed while playing games and watching t.v.. As I got better at counting I decided to ask my partner to come over so I can give him an overview of it. But before that, I wanted to motivate him by letting him watch the movie 21 first. Not that movtiviating i would say... I went on ahead and introduced him to the HI/LO count system, 2-6 = +1 , 10,J,Q,K,A= -1, 7-9= 0. As we began, he told me that it was easier to keep count, by adding all the "big pictures cards" then subtracting all the "small picture cards". I told him that it would be too confusing running around in circles on the table adding the big cards and repeating the same process with the small cards. Result? Not one time did he do an accurate count during the blackjack simulation. He couldn't even get the values correctly, his logic was that big cards are good for us right? So in his head he said it should be +1, and 2-6 cards which are bad for the players should be minus 1. I guess in his mind... good cards are positive and bad cards are negative. It really pissed me off, he couldn't count the way I want him to do it, he does the stupid big card and small card count and can't even get the value correctly. But anyway we decided to make our first trip to the casinos. I will be carding counting and using perfect BS, as for my partner he will use only be using BS. I wasn't even sure if it was a good idea for us to play together on the same table. He agreed that he will follow my bet once the true count gets good.

The first trip took place in earlier October,2009, about 3 days. We mostly sat on the same blackjack table, not sure if that was a good idea, I need feedback on this guys. To keep a long story short, our profit came out to be +1162. I pretty much made money on every session I sat in but 1 through out the trip. My partner made a lil here and there, but since he lost his whole buy-in a few times he is at loss. Considering he mostly broke-even and loses money. So what I am trying to say is that I was able pull a $1k+ profit on top of the losses that was sustained by my partner. I believe that my partner hindered our progress. How? Let me explain!
1. When we were up with a good amount of money, he never wants to leave when I ask him to, the count is done, the shoe restarted, but yet he wants to stay. So we end up staying and losing half of our profit every freaking session.
2. Let's just say he's $10-30 dollar away from breaking even and I colored in the profit already. I would have to sit there and watch him play catch up, risking more to win back the $10-30. Gotta keep in mind that he's not counting, he's playin basics and hoping to get lucky doing the min Bet. Of course, most of the time he would end up losing more and unable to to recover back the losses while playing his catch up games.
3. As we agreed that we will bet big when the count is good. He always bet half of my max bets. Even with card counting, we know that blackjack, and any other game is a game of luck, besides poker that is. For one of the session, the true count was a 5 after subtracting the offset, and it was towards the end of the shoe. We got unlucky and lost our hands, but the running count/true count just got higher and this calls for the same bet or a even bigger bet for the next hand. The next hand I kept it at max bet, my partner lowered it to the minimum. I'm like looking at him with steam coming outta my head like... WTF is he doing, are we like doing this together or what
Overall we came out ahead and I knew what I was doing. I'm sure i needed more practice and my partner agreed to take the time out to learn card counting.

Our 2nd trip would be for 4 days on early Nov. 2009, in which we just got back from it. Before we went, I was so excited and prepared to do a killing at the casino. Let me continue with my story. After the first trip, we had 1 month to prepare, improve my play and to get my partner up to speed, and to devise some strategy we can both use as a team. Oct, 6 we were back from the first trip, 2nd trip starts on the Nov 1st, just to give you guys a timeline. My partner told me that he would start going over the card counting stuff and the lessons in 2 weeks, which should land somewhere in mid OCT. We agreed to run blackjack simulations in my home so that we can figure stuff out. For some strange reason, he wanted to do everything 2 weeks later in mid OCT. When the time came, he briefly went over the stuff and told me he read up about the lessons. Partner said " i'll come out and do the blackjack simulation with you everyday on the last week till we hit the casino which should be OCT,26 - OCT 31st. As the 2nd trip drew closer and the blackjack practice drew even closer, without notice he told me that he will show up for 2 days only to do the simulation, because he was not up to speed with the card counting and would need to do more practice and reading at home by himself. By that time I knew he wasn't going to do any of it. Then my partner agreed to show up on OCT 28th & 29th. When those 2 days came, he then postponed to friday and sat. On thursday night he told me that we will either come out on friday or sat. Com'on guys no need to tell you what happened, he ended up not coming out at all for any of those days. The day came and we headed to the casino, our 2nd trip together. My partner still couldn't count, still only sticking with Basic Strategy. But somehow I convinced him to count anyway while he was there. Of course, only to follow my bets and not his own. 2 days into the trip on NOV,2, after one of the session, while walking back to the hotel I asked him what was the highest count towards the end of the shoe, He told me the running count was a 6, my running count was a 19. First of all he was so off, off by 13, and yeah... youguys might be thinking i could be wrong too but yeah, i figured out a way to keep my count and I am very confident with my count. I used whatever was on the table as a tool to keep my count. The tool acted like a calculator for me. How can he be so off with the count? So I'm thinking this guy can't count at all, did I find the wrong partner, and obviously he cant' count he didnt' even put any time/effort on it.
This is pissing me off and I really really really need feedbacks on this. When we were back to the hotel for a break, I took out a deck of cards and wanted to see how he counts. I passed out 6 hands (paired it up) and ran it like 3-4 times. For some reason he somehow got the count correct, but at the same time he tells me that he can do the count now but he can't count down a deck of cards (52cards). After running it 3-4 times with him, he now tells me that he can count cards. No effort, no practice, it was just that 3-4 run we did back into the hotel that somehow he believes made him understand on how to count. Not just knowing how to count, he said he's pretty accurate and confident enough for me to put a $500 bet on a hand, while trusting his count. Guys, seriously, do you believe he can count now, and should I waste any more freaking time with this guy. Now he's telling me, he can do it now, and he will prove it to me by coming out and doing a few shoe run and confirming the count with me. i told him that there's more than just counting to win money, counting should be the easiest part of it all. Then he defines the running count, true count, and how to calculate the betting, he defines it all for me. Man, you dont' need to define anything for me, anyone can google that **** and iterate it back out. What I want is a partner/team that can contribute to the success of the team. Unique Strategy never been created before, or known strategy that we can incorporate into ours. I'm getting none of that from him, nothing at all, no feedbacks on my play. nothing at all. All I'm getting is, "I noticed that you were losing and you were hopping around from tables to tables and occasionally betting big when the count was obivouslygood", like those type of garbarge feedback doesn't say ***.

My partner now tells me that he wants to go as early as next week. Oh yeah, on our 2nd trip, we lost a total of $1500. we both lost about $750+ each. I lost about $(30) in blackjack, I played the full 4 days, most of the other losses were in poker. It was so bad that we had no plans for blackjack, we resorted to poker. My partner's losses were all from blackjack. He's a decent poker player, the winnings he got from poker was just enough to offset the amount he lost earlier in poker.

So what you guys think? should I still do blackjack with him? i SAY HE CAN'T COUNT AT ALL, he tells me he can count and he will prove it to me. people take 6month to 1 year to master card counting and still might not be as good as they think. My partner after 3-4 hands of dealing, think he's good at it now. I need some feedback guys, is my partner a idiot? should i give up on him and just play blackjack myself? or do you guys recommend any training where I can test him and see if he actually know what he's doing.

please let me think about what you guys think about the whole story and my partner. I am very fustrated and pissed of about it, considering all that has happened and he tells me THAT HE CAN COUNT*

Thanks everyone, much appreciated!
Dude, this is a train wreck. If you really knew how to play with an advantage there would be no need for this long winded post. I can tell you know its wrong to carry dead weight so why bother asking? But my question to you is are you sure you're not dead weight as well? Because you think you can count, does that mean you know what it takes to win? To even consider playing the way you have gives me the answer. Getting a win your first time out proves nothing. Do you even know if what you were playing was a positive EV game plan? Do you you know what to expect from the game you play? I would worry less about your gambling partner and get yourself straight. Get out of the casino and figure out your game and how to play it before you waste more unemployment checks.


Well-Known Member
I have received messages concerning my earlier post in this thread that we should limit our advise to blackjack contents. I think perhaps I didn't convey my thoughts adequately enough. Again, I know everyone has the best of intent and frankly I am in complete agreement that blackjack is not the best use of one's unemployment funds. I am sure the poster knows this as well. :rolleyes:

Not just this poster, but whenever a newbie posts concerning beginning a BJ venture, the thread is immediately filled with advice NOT to. This just seems so wrong to me. This is, not an advice column. The person came here looking for information on blackjack, not counseling about his decision to play the game.

I can just imagine if I had posted here in march of 2004, the day after I quit my job, at age 21, with about $4500 to my name to begin a BJ career. And there are many other stories out there about people that began when they were ill prepared to do so, Qfit's story of getting off the plane with $400 and one change of clothing, (page 1, chapter minus 2 <- :laugh: of Modern Blackjack) comes to mind.

My point is new people don't come here looking for advise or counseling on their decision to pursue blackjack. They have already made that decision. They come to, oddly enough looking for information on blackjack.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
Agreed. You really are not ready for this at all. Your focus should be finding real work. You're in very dangerous territory and are very likely to get into real trouble. Stop now!
Amen. This is a disaster in the making.


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
This is, not an advice column. The person came here looking for information on blackjack, not counseling about his decision to play the game.
True, but so much of success at the game has to do with psychology, as I know you know. When someone comes to the game with the wrong ideas (and perhaps for the wrong reason), it's hard not to say something.

But you do have a point KJ. The advice to new players should be along the lines of: Slow down. Learn more. Be patient. It's not as easy as you think it is. You're not as good as you think you are. If you've learned to count, you've mastered about 10% of what it takes to be successful at this.


Well-Known Member
My Daignosis

  • Self Destruction is endemic and ubiquitous.
  • It is a plague upon us. An endogenous epidemic.
  • It is highly contagious. The etiology is unknown.
  • Often fatal. Prognosis is always "guarded"
  • In youth, it is considered Incurable.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
  • Self Destruction is endemic and ubiquitous.
  • It is a plague upon us. An endogenous epidemic.
  • It is highly contagious. The etiology is unknown.
  • Often fatal. Prognosis is always "guarded"
  • In youth, it is considered Incurable.
Youth and blackjack are made for each other. Youth does 1 or both of the following: (1) improves the scenery, (2) gives casino security someone to watch so the rest of us can go about our business


Well-Known Member
StandardDeviant said:
Youth and blackjack are made for each other. Youth does 1 or both of the following: (1) improves the scenery, (2) gives casino security someone to watch so the rest of us can go about our business
"Youth improves the scenery"! I like that. Very Funny. :) Although.....
have ya seen some of these youths, (or yutes, as Joe pesci said in 'my cousin vinny') hanging around the casinos lately?? :eek:


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
"Youth improves the scenery"! I like that. Very Funny. :) Although.....
have ya seen some of these youths, (or yutes, as Joe pesci said in 'my cousin vinny') hanging around the casinos lately?? :eek:
Perhaps I should have said "Some youth improves the scenery." Because, clearly, some does not! :)