My 45 Minute Claim

Nobody believes that a person can be proficient at anything in 45 minutes.
As stated on the first screen of the course you will:
Learn and understand the principles of Shuffle Tracking
And how easy it is to add to your current playing strategy.
Learn “How To” Not “Master”. Whoever said I thought you could master shuffle tracking in 45 minute is an idiot.
It’s amazing how many people stand ready to stone anyone that is truly trying to offer help. I have been in this business for close to twenty years, not once have I ever been accused of things that are mentioned in this thread. I have always been a player advocate, I only write advantage play software to help the user, I do not currently have a single dissatisfied client. My support to my customers is outstanding, ask any of them. I am proud of the reputation I have earned over the years.
I’m not selling anything; I am trying to depart free valuable information that could be of help to a lot of people. And all you nincompoops can do is try to find some way to attack it, What have you done lately that has helped this group?
According to my records 180 people have taken that course (with zero sales) and I’m sure if they were not scared they too would be pummeled by the stones, they would speak up.
Mesa Verde Software Systems

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
Don't take it to heart. You don't need to defend yourself. Anyone who could benefit from the post knows how to filter comments from all the "experts" on the site. I haven't viewed it to offer an opinion or see if I could apply anything but I appreciate the sharing of ideas.


Well-Known Member
MyUpperHand said:
Nobody believes that a person can be proficient at anything in 45 minutes.
This is not true - I happen to be someone who believes it, seeing as I have more than 20 years experience in tracking, and I can honestly say that I HAVE mastered the art. I myself learned to shuffle track aces on a single riff 8 deck game in less than a half hour. Two hours later I went into the casino and beat them out of 10K within four hours, averaging almost one hit per shoe, with an accuracy rate of more than 90%. Bear in mind that this was a VERY simple shuffle; it took me YEARS to master some of the more complicated ones. BTW, this one pass shuffle DOES still exist in a couple of rare instances. And no; I WON'T say WHERE.

MyUpperHand said:
I’m not selling anything
Herein lies the problem. According to your website, (Dead link:;) you ARE selling a whole BUNCH of things.

MyUpperHand said:
My support to my customers is outstanding, ask any of them.
This is reasonable, and I certainly believe it. But if you're not selling anything, then why do you refer to these people as customers?

I'm very sorry if you think I'm some sort of naysayer or nincompoop, but the fact is; I'm only stating a few observations, and asking some very reasonable questions.

As I stated in your earlier thread, I believe that you ARE a knowledgeable person and you ARE giving away free information, but with the hope that some of the takers will later BUY something from you. This does not make you a bad person. But the first thing you do is brag about your cheating device. THEN you turn around and try to come across as someone with NO agenda. Of COURSE it's going to raise red flags with some of us. Do you NOT understand this?
Yes, you are right in your thoughts. And thank you for expressing them in a civil manner.
Sometimes intensions are hard to get across in text. The computer I built was 20 years ago. At that time I was not involved in blackjack nor did I understand the ramifications of such an act. I certainly would not repeat that today.
I have made a few dollars over the years developing and selling software but I want to assure you and everyone my intensions were honorable and straight-forward. After retiring two years ago, I’ve had time to do some things that I just could not do when I was struggling to make a living.
Now that I do not have to depend on any outside income I wanted to give back some of that knowledge I have gained in pursuit of riches (that never happened). Anyway I truly wanted to part information that may help others. Please accept it in the spirit it was given.
I have other tools that may be of help to someone that wants to know more about shuffles. I have a FREE tool where you can easily define any casino shuffle in the world and it will map where the cards go after the shuffle. If you visit my site please do not purchase anything, I don’t need the small amount of money and the tools are available on the site for free.
My hope is that this becomes a database repository for shuffle definitions contributed by players from around the world. If you are planning a trip wouldn’t it be nice to see the shuffles at that location before you get there.
If you know the definition of a shuffle, please leave it in the database. Someone will thank you for your contribution.
You may save a shuffle as Private or Public, I encourage you to make it public so that everyone can benefit from it. (Archive copy)


See Dennis, BJINFO can maintain some civility.
I'm glad that you accepted my invitation to return.

Now, what about those rumors that you were knowingly selling
ST-2000 to casinos so they could improve their shuffles? zg


Well-Known Member
MyUpperHand said:
Learn “How To” Not “Master”. Whoever said I thought you could master shuffle tracking in 45 minute is an idiot.
Frankly it's fairly obvious that you can take either meaning from your original advert, however if you are unfamiliar with the principals of shuffle tracking you are unlikely to be acclimatised to just how advanced a skill it is, so you are likely to come away with unrealistic expectations - and you know that. It's a very good advertising strategy keeping you on the technical side of correct, but completely unethical in the fact that you are simply selling unattainable fantasies.
Changing your wording would solve this entirely, but is unlikely to be a great sales pitch - "learn everything you'll need to learn to shuffle track successfully in 45 minutes, then it'll take you months (at least) of hard work to realise this skill". Somehow i doubt you're going to do the right thing.

Now said:
I’m sure that many casinos have purchased Shuffle Trak 2000 and use it to analyze their shuffles. It would be impossible for me to prevent that because the purchases were probably made by individuals within the organization. For example George Joseph who used to be the head of security at Bally’s purchased a copy. There was some special on television about people who try to cheat casinos and the producers interviewed him as part of the filming. I found out that he had a copy because he had the program running on his computer in the background during the interview.
By coincidence, George later contacted me and wanted to meet with me with regards to analyzing the vulnerability of the Shuffle Master machine. I met with him but in no way influenced the designer of their shuffle. George was smart enough to do that without my help. I believe the shuffle that is used at the Bally’s resorts today is the definition that George developed using Shuffle Trak. So if you are a tracker you probably should not consider playing at Bally’s.
On the other hand I have been told that the MIT group that took a bundle from Caesars used Shuffle Trak in their training. I was also unaware that anyone from that group had purchased it.
So I look at myself somewhat like an arms dealer. Sometimes those arms get into the wrong hands but a lot of times those arms do what they were intended to do for the right side.
I will start a new thread and try to shine some light on the Shuffle Master machine.