Key question: Did Deanne keep the Buddha? If so, did the tournament directors caution you about collaboration? Come to think about it, didn't Rick give her a cowboy had a couple of years ago that she returned to him?KenSmith said:Yes, but not for the whole round. The topic of card counting during tournaments has been extensively discussed at my other site, most recently in this thread:
Also, this particular episode has a thread over there, at:
(That thread does contain spoilers, so don't read it if you don't want to know the outcome.)
Later tonight, I'll be posting some discussion of a couple of my key decisions in that thread.
Well, she looked cute in the hat, but then, she looks cute anyway!swog said:She didn't return the hat. Rick took it back when he lost the hand, but it was a nice try.
It was a nice touch Ken, but to tell the truth, I feared for the well being of Buddha after that hand! I myself, have been known to cap my bets with a pewter frog from time to time :laugh: I think I'm on my third frog now. It's hard to crush pewter figurine but, I've overcome the obstacle and managed to flatten them a couple of times! Once, I had a dealer cautiously remove the frog from my lost stack of chips and beat the living hell of it with that money plunger! It's always good for a laugh at the table. Not a bad touch for cover either.KenSmith said:Deanna returned Buddha as well. You haven't seen the last of him.