My appearance on WSOB III


Staff member
I forgot to post here earlier today about my appearance on tonight's World Series of Blackjack show.

If you missed it tonight, it is rebroadcast on Wednesday at 2 AM Eastern, and again on Friday night at 9 PM Eastern.


Well-Known Member
I caught the first 15 minutes, but missed the rest of the show. I saw Ken make it by the first knockout round. Hopefully I will be able to catch the remainder of the show on Friday. It was cool..


Well-Known Member
I caught it Ken. Sure was blown away by the lousy hands you were drawing. Man, "stiffs" at almost every turn! Since others here may have not seen the episode, I'll say no more.


Staff member
GSN, formerly Game Show Network.
On satellite: DirecTV Channel 309, or DishNetwork channel 116.
On cable: Check your listings for GSN or GAME.


Staff member
Fun to play in? Absolutely! Although my cards were horrible for the whole round, I kept scratching and clawing my way back to have a shot at the end.


Staff member
No, the CBS show is something entirely different.
It's going to air on September 16th at 1 or 2 PM Eastern, can't recall which.
Just before college football.

That's the Ultimate Blackjack Tour.
I'll wait until after Friday to post results from the GSN show, just to keep from providing a spoiler to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.


Well-Known Member
And here, I wanted to talk about the round! Guess I'll wait till Friday. That last hand was a barn-burner though!


Staff member
Yes, but not for the whole round. The topic of card counting during tournaments has been extensively discussed at my other site, most recently in this thread:

Also, this particular episode has a thread over there, at:

(That thread does contain spoilers, so don't read it if you don't want to know the outcome.)

Later tonight, I'll be posting some discussion of a couple of my key decisions in that thread.


Well-Known Member
KenSmith said:
Yes, but not for the whole round. The topic of card counting during tournaments has been extensively discussed at my other site, most recently in this thread:

Also, this particular episode has a thread over there, at:

(That thread does contain spoilers, so don't read it if you don't want to know the outcome.)

Later tonight, I'll be posting some discussion of a couple of my key decisions in that thread.
Key question: Did Deanne keep the Buddha? If so, did the tournament directors caution you about collaboration? Come to think about it, didn't Rick give her a cowboy had a couple of years ago that she returned to him?
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Well-Known Member
swog said:
She didn't return the hat. Rick took it back when he lost the hand, but it was a nice try.
Well, she looked cute in the hat, but then, she looks cute anyway!


Well-Known Member
KenSmith said:
Deanna returned Buddha as well. You haven't seen the last of him.
It was a nice touch Ken, but to tell the truth, I feared for the well being of Buddha after that hand! I myself, have been known to cap my bets with a pewter frog from time to time :laugh: I think I'm on my third frog now. It's hard to crush pewter figurine but, I've overcome the obstacle and managed to flatten them a couple of times! Once, I had a dealer cautiously remove the frog from my lost stack of chips and beat the living hell of it with that money plunger! It's always good for a laugh at the table. Not a bad touch for cover either.