My disappointment with "Beating Las Vegas"...


...on the NGC wasn't with the show itself. Certainly Court TV did the MIT team better last year, as well did the History Channel earlier this year.

BUT my sole disappointment with the NGC version was that the Mayor was cast as an actor portraying the MIT 'ProfessorM' character rather than just being EJ the real-life bonafide expert, with proper credits to him and zg

The Mayor

Well-Known Member

Having NOT seen the show, I don't know what they did, but they interviewed me for about 20 minutes after my acting thing was done. I thought that I would be a bit of talking head here and there as well as just an actor. Oh well. I asked them to plug, and they said they would put in a part "if you want to learn more, visit..." but I guess they did not. I mentioned several times in the interview part. Interviews are boring.