My first 70 hours. Wonderful ride


Well-Known Member
These are my results. Lot's of trips due to local casino's near by. Lately been tracking my play by rounds. I love standing around for hours backcounting on end only get play 26 TC1+ rounds. Then lose lol. Granted had several different spreads already. Mainly bet reducing and wonging lol Anyone else having this much fun?

Well, I don't know what's the problem Achilles but I can tell you one thing.
If the TC rarely goes above +1, rest assured, clumping is not the problem.:D
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Well-Known Member
Secretarriat said:
Well, I don't know what's the problem Achilles but I can tell you one thing.
If the TC rarely goes above +1, rest assured, clumping is not the problem.:D
Oh god the clumping theory :rolleyes:....


New Member
Achillies, you should have just played video poker w/ that roll, look at andrew and john aka slot massacre on youtube platform they are killing the comp/cash back system gaurantee pos ev at there casinos, esp the big bucks they play!
honestly i think blackjack is the worst pos ev play imo too many things need to go right for that stinky 1% edge, and worst of all you can get banned like ppl spew on wov(wizard of odds site) about, they are even checkin ur wifi hell yea so lose half ur roll then asked to leave sign me up!


Well-Known Member
winnerbydefault said:
Achillies, you should have just played video poker w/ that roll, look at andrew and john aka slot massacre on youtube platform they are killing the comp/cash back system gaurantee pos ev at there casinos, esp the big bucks they play!
honestly i think blackjack is the worst pos ev play imo too many things need to go right for that stinky 1% edge, and worst of all you can get banned like ppl spew on wov(wizard of odds site) about, they are even checkin ur wifi hell yea so lose half ur roll then asked to leave sign me up!
Card counting in a nut shell. lol, I wish I could do video poker but I don't understand thing about it. More importantly the way to find my risk of ruin and EV, something like CVCX.


Well-Known Member
Are you playing hand held games? They say card clumping isn't the problem, but it could very well be. I only look for games in which there's a correlation with the count. Just observe the game (don't play) and watch if the deck is going negative, and blocks of 10 valued cars keep coming... or if the count is going highly positive and small cards usually mixed with Aces & 9's are still coming out, or a lot of 7,8,9 combination hands. I'd stay away from the table until the cards appear to come out random and correlate with the TC on average. Sure this happens over time naturally, but it's the frequency of it happening you're more concerned about here. If blocks of 10's come out in the beginning and or middle, everyone gets 20 being a solid 10 push across the board... just the same as taking those 10's out of the deck. If there's a clump of 12 or more 10's behind the cut card, you'll get this false positive TC in which you will bet into and get S*ht hands... esp. small card double down hands (5,5 5,6 4,6 4,7 3,4 2,9...) then receive another small card. =) It happens and there are shuffling machines which can be programmed to do this ;) What was revealed to me by someone at some casino here... is take ~ 12 - 14 ten valued cards mixed with a couple 9's and put a clump of A,2,3,4 & 9's above that. Keep this stack at the bottom then proceed with the house shuffle in which you will employ unbalanced picks and only shuffle into the top 50%, or middle 50% of the cards. You have to be consistent when you do this. You'd be surprised how this circumvents the outcome =) Sure it'll eventually wash itself out over time, but the machine can keep doing this every so rounds to keep giving you poor combinations that don't play well against the house. The algorithms used are more sophisticated than just clumping 10's out of play, and keeping aces away from the 10's (this will also give you poor cards on split aces). They can put the cards into clumps that produce poor 2 card totals more often then what would be considered the average norm. This is all based on those BS cards (which they like to hand out or sell at the shops) not to mention the player makes the first move. I"m not discouraging BS or Card Counting. I myself employ HiOptII w/side count of aces. But the game can be adulterated to counteract Basic Strategy and or Card Counting to increase the drop. I just know what to look for before I sit down;) Just like there's no such thing as naked shorting (phantom shares) in the markets (it wasn't really talked about for a while until now...)... but where there's money there's corruption and the big boys get golden parachutes while the average Joe gets a prison sentence!
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New Member
Nighthshifter, have you quit your 9 to 5 job via counting cards? have you gotten banned or asked to leave? honestly like so many in past i too was curious about the game, but to many things need to go right for that lousy 1% edge and forgot to mention of all things card clumping and the how the cards are shuffled DO impact your results i repeat DO impact players results. some good some bad but agian as i said too many moving pieces to go in your favor otherwise your gonna watch the dealer/table get their 20s/21s while your sitin there with crapola. just play video poker, no ban and most casinos are beatable w/ their promotions.

besides im already working on an attack on the double up feature, unlike card counting too many things need to go wrong for me to lose all, nothing seems foolproof in a casino but promotions are always there.


Well-Known Member
winnerbydefault said:
Nighthshifter, have you quit your 9 to 5 job via counting cards? have you gotten banned or asked to leave? honestly like so many in past i too was curious about the game, but to many things need to go right for that lousy 1% edge and forgot to mention of all things card clumping and the how the cards are shuffled DO impact your results i repeat DO impact players results. some good some bad but agian as i said too many moving pieces to go in your favor otherwise your gonna watch the dealer/table get their 20s/21s while your sitin there with crapola. just play video poker, no ban and most casinos are beatable w/ their promotions.

besides im already working on an attack on the double up feature, unlike card counting too many things need to go wrong for me to lose all, nothing seems foolproof in a casino but promotions are always there.
Ever since Covid-19, i don't go to the casinos that much anymore. I tried to strictly implement counting and ignore everything else... Wonging in & out of shoes... but that didn't work in the casinos by me. The only thing that seems to work in which I walk away a winner is to watch for clumping and exploit it or avoid it. I'm talking Indian casinos here in which there is no oversight by a Gaming commission like they have in Las Vegas. Right now i'm just picking up a little here and there. There are games in which the cards run within the bell curve of variance... and I can implement counting in those games. You definitely have to observe the game before jumping in. If there's walls of 10's followed by 3 rounds of low cards & aces for example... that's not the game to sit in on and play BS coupled with some counting strategy to vary bets and or playing strategy. The information will be subverted and you'll most likely be wiped out. Counting relies on random distribution primarily with some degree of clumping which occurs naturally. But if the game is being purposely manipulated via clumping cards in some manner, then forget it unless you know how to exploit it.