My mother caught me 'browsing the internet'


New Member
She yelled at me for about five hours about how disgusting it was to do it. At first I was all caught up in shame but then I realised I was thirty seven years old and a grown man. I began to yell back at her, saying I was a grown man and can 'browse the internet' whenever I wanted.

She started yelling back saying that I need to get married or at least find a girlfriend. What does that have to do with anything? I have no idea either. I enjoy 'browsing the internet' and do so regularly. I do it first thing in the morning and before I got bed. It relieves my stress and I can enjoy new material because it's always fresh and never runs out.

My mother just doesn't understand. Could you explain to her that browsing the BlackjackInfo forums isn't a depraived activity?


Well-Known Member
Forum Troll.... Got it!

This thread belongs in the Anything Else forum.

Your mother may want to use the computer herself.

Being 37 years old, and still living with your mother, you may be a constant reminder that she has failed as a parent. She may be taking this out on you. Unfair, perhaps, but it is her house.

There is nothing inherently depraved about viewing these forums. Do you play blackjack? Do you consider yourself old enough to gamble?


I side with ForumTroll - Tell the the old hag to get you some meatloaf, and then go crash a funeral! zg
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bj bob

Well-Known Member
I second that

supercoolmancool said:
I have to side with your mom on this one. For you, it is a depriaved activity.
It's a proven fact. We are an absolute bunch of degenerates here. Just as a brief example, consider this:
One of our members has been staring at Jesus' penis.
We have a convicted Federal felon handing out financial advice to minors.
We harbor an anthropomorphic quaraped who has admitted peaking at a 70 yr. old dealer's hole in Carson City.
We also feature a member caught running illegal contraband from Hong Kong into Canada.
Another more senior member runs cigs across state lines AND SMOKES THEM!!!
One member has been brutally attacked and left for dead on the beach at AC.
Even our administrator has recently been rudely banished from a BJ tournament in public view due, no doubt, to his roguish reputation.
Same-said simian routinely stashes his playing BR in an area of his anatomy that stretches the boundaries for debts "both public and PRIVATE".
And lastly...and I'm even ashamed to admit it in public. One of our members actually uses a 1:10 spread in a SD game. (Please don't tell that one to your mom!)


bj bob said:
It's a proven fact. We are an absolute bunch of degenerates here. Just as a brief example, consider this:
One of our members has been staring at Jesus' penis.
We have a convicted Federal felon handing out financial advice to minors.
We harbor an anthropomorphic quaraped who has admitted peaking at a 70 yr. old dealer's hole in Carson City.
We also feature a member caught running illegal contraband from Hong Kong into Canada.
Another more senior member runs cigs across state lines AND SMOKES THEM!!!
One member has been brutally attacked and left for dead on the beach at AC.
Even our administrator has recently been rudely banished from a BJ tournament in public view due, no doubt, to his roguish reputation.
Same-said simian routinely stashes his playing BR in an area of his anatomy that stretches the boundaries for debts "both public and PRIVATE".
And lastly...and I'm even ashamed to admit it in public. One of our members actually uses a 1:10 spread in a SD game. (Please don't tell that one to your mom!)
Nominated: Post of the Month! "Life at the WBPITTW" zg
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Well-Known Member
aslan said:

New nomination: Thread of the month!

BTW: Didn't know there were so many degenerates in this place! Shouldn't figured that goes hand in hand with BJ Players. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
mom and the unmarried living at home man

You need to get a life . At least watch porn or something that can get her really aggravated . I nominate this post as the thread of the decade !!!!:)


Well-Known Member
bj bob said:
It's a proven fact. We are an absolute bunch of degenerates here.
Good grief! What a post! Now, I don't wonder why so many folks use aliases on the forums! Really, this one should be framed and made required reading for anyone new to the forum!
EasyRhino said:
I recommend switching to browsing porn instead. Now Mom doesn't use my computer any more.
Good idea! And make sure you openly MB while doing it. Then no one will use your desk or steal your chair.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Good idea! And make sure you openly MB while doing it. Then no one will use your desk or steal your chair.
Hey Monk, since this guy is a first time poster shouldn't you advise him to be able to go MB about 100 times while playing blackjack? (according to Kelly anyway). And shouldn't he be told to be somewhat discreet about it in front of the pit?
bj bob said:
Hey Monk, since this guy is a first time poster shouldn't you advise him to be able to go MB about 100 times while playing blackjack? (according to Kelly anyway). And shouldn't he be told to be somewhat discreet about it in front of the pit?
That's true he should always have 100 MB's available. But they don't have to be in his pocket!


Well-Known Member

You are 37 going on 13. Here's a thought move out of your parents house. They will appreciate it big time. You can visit them once every month or two but living there full time puts a burden on them.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
TorumFroll said:
You're really smart...
Yes Troll, there are many smart people in this forum. As a matter of fact you won't get any better all around advice from anywhere else this side of El Segundo.
Now here's my advice, step by step:
1) Keep reading the infinite wisdom contained in this site.
2) Go out and purchase one of our fine blackjack books from our on-site bookstore.
3) Learn basic strategy better than this month's centerfold.
4) Learn a proven counting system.
5) Accrue an adaquate bankroll for BJ.
6) Start playing at your nearest casino and perfect your skills.
7) While building up a substantial profit start scouting out a bodacious cocktail chicky with an excessive lung capacity.
8) Begin tipping her in abundance. After several months, ask her out.
9) After several more months propose to her, since by this time you'll be wealthy.
10) Get married, move in with her (and away from mommy) and have lots of bodacious kids.
11) End result-You'll be happy, cocktail chicky is happy and mommy's happy. can tell mom "See, everything turned out just fine after I started surfing on the net!"