My Trip Out West


I am back in New Jersey and good ol' Atlantic City after some time out west to include a few days in Vegas but I was never far from a casino at any given time! I did okay in Vegas, nothing great. I left after a few days at 500 over the total expenses of the stay--100 bucks a night for the room plus going out to eat and stuff...ugh. I played all over, bouncing around to different places and had fun. I got some funny looks from the people in the Tropicana, they were pissy and strange toward me (with this place being the lowest stakes and lowest money I played for and had only maybe about 200 of their money before they started getting their panties all bunched up about the crack of their anus). I left!

There are casinos about all over now and I was playing on a regular daily basis for the entire month out there! I did better at the other casinos outside Nevada than I ever could have done in Vegas, I think. I made money but not as much as I would have liked; One horrific loss in one day within a few days of flying back to NJ made the difference of whether I was going to pay all the expenses of the trip, plus several thousand or just break even paying for the trip but nothing ahead of the game coming back with the same money I had before I left. OOOPS!!! THAT'LL teach me to spend money like a drunken sailor on shore leave!

In one particular casino outside of Vegas that I will not divulge the location as this is a public forum I sat at the table full of yahoos, buying in for 500 at a 10 dollar min. table...and flat out sat there not playing a hand until I had a good count and bet only then--I did this for hours and made a lot of money doing it in a long, drawn out war of attrition day in and day out. I doubt you could do this in Vegas and get away with it but who the heck knows.

In the overall I have to say that new casinos are popping up all over, all the time and there are more options than just Vegas and Atlantic City anymore. It also seems that every casino that pops up packs 'em right in too! I strolled into one casino after another during the week, during the day, saw how packed in they were and said to myself,"....and they are saying the economy is BAD????!!!!" In seeing what the broad spectrum of casinos has to offer and the dimwittedness of the public at large they (the casinos) are making money hand over fist, regardless of a very few that are able to grind a small chunk of change from them hardly putting a dent in their profits---I am ready to open up a casino!!!hahahahaa


Well-Known Member
Tarzan said:
I am back in New Jersey and good ol' Atlantic City after some time out west to include a few days in Vegas but I was never far from a casino at any given time! I did okay in Vegas, nothing great. I left after a few days at 500 over the total expenses of the stay--100 bucks a night for the room plus going out to eat and stuff...ugh. I played all over, bouncing around to different places and had fun. I got some funny looks from the people in the Tropicana, they were pissy and strange toward me (with this place being the lowest stakes and lowest money I played for and had only maybe about 200 of their money before they started getting their panties all bunched up about the crack of their anus). I left!

There are casinos about all over now and I was playing on a regular daily basis for the entire month out there! I did better at the other casinos outside Nevada than I ever could have done in Vegas, I think. I made money but not as much as I would have liked; One horrific loss in one day within a few days of flying back to NJ made the difference of whether I was going to pay all the expenses of the trip, plus several thousand or just break even paying for the trip but nothing ahead of the game coming back with the same money I had before I left. OOOPS!!! THAT'LL teach me to spend money like a drunken sailor on shore leave!

In one particular casino outside of Vegas that I will not divulge the location as this is a public forum I sat at the table full of yahoos, buying in for 500 at a 10 dollar min. table...and flat out sat there not playing a hand until I had a good count and bet only then--I did this for hours and made a lot of money doing it in a long, drawn out war of attrition day in and day out. I doubt you could do this in Vegas and get away with it but who the heck knows.

In the overall I have to say that new casinos are popping up all over, all the time and there are more options than just Vegas and Atlantic City anymore. It also seems that every casino that pops up packs 'em right in too! I strolled into one casino after another during the week, during the day, saw how packed in they were and said to myself,"....and they are saying the economy is BAD????!!!!" In seeing what the broad spectrum of casinos has to offer and the dimwittedness of the public at large they (the casinos) are making money hand over fist, regardless of a very few that are able to grind a small chunk of change from them hardly putting a dent in their profits---I am ready to open up a casino!!!hahahahaa
how did your win/loss compare to estimated EV? how many hours would you say you got in overall? some more details in terms of #'s (if possible) might help paint a more complete picture for anyone new trying to picture what doing this full time for even a month might look like.

thanks for the post!