My TV Interview Yesterday -VIDEO


My TV Interview Yesterday -VIDEO
My friend Paula, who turned $3000 into $5M using my airwave strategy, interviewed me by phone for her public access show "Further Down the Rabbit Hole". zg
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Well-Known Member
Very interesting interview.

How long ago did you attemt to use those licensing strategies for wireless cable? Was the time you spent in prison camp related to the cellular licenses or the wireless cable ones?

By the way, if you ever come up with another strategy to turn thousands into millions, let me know! :cool:

I hope that they interview you again in the future.


ScottH said:
How long ago did you attemt to use those licensing strategies for wireless cable? Was the time you spent in prison camp related to the cellular licenses or the wireless cable ones?
Wireless Cable - '90-'95. The racketeering conviction related to ALL of my airwave activities. zg