Need advice for strategy


New Member
Hey guys, im new to playing blackjack at casinos. So basically i've lost everytime i have gone to play. I usually go to Morongo since im only 19. They're all 8 deck games 10 dollars on weekdays and 15 dollars on weekends. What kind of strategy can i use to help me win. I usually only play with a $100. I ended up losing all my money while my friend who is a beginner at blackjack won $600 in a matter of 2 hours. I've practiced card counting before, the hi-lo system and am quite decent at it, but never use it in the casinos cause it seems useless with 8 decks.


Well-Known Member
it isnt useless. it takes a lot of practice/research to get good
learn basic strategy. try to be able to count through a deck in 25 seconds or less. and bring more money. $100 is almost guraunteed to loose it all. you'll need to bring at least $1000. which is why I recommend getting really good at cardcounting before entering a casino again.


Well-Known Member
Strategy advice

My advice is that you save the $100 trip bank you've been blowing and buy either Wong's Professional Blackjack and/or Snyder's Blackbelt in Blackjack. The sage advice you are seeking can be found in both and is the name of the first author.

I agree with you whole-heartedly. Playing an $10 or $15 8d shoe on a $100 bank using just hi-lo is suicide. You are starting off in the right direction, hi-lo is almost certainly the best count you could learn, but you need to learn how to apply it properly and the bankroll required to survive the ups and downs.


Well-Known Member
Morongo has really bad blackjack. Even if you could count cards perfectly and were sufficiently bankrolled you wouldn't waste your time there.