Neonopolis Under Scrutiny



September 06, 2007
Fed up with Neonopolis

Goodman wants a break with the struggling center's principals - whoever they really are

By Joe Schoenmann
[SIZE=-2]Las Vegas Sun[/SIZE]
[/SIZE]There were threats of deeper investigations, then counter-threats that an investigation would not send the proper "signal" to a certain mystery business that might be a boon to downtown Las Vegas.

Confusion was another part of a City Council hearing Wednesday. The mayor admitted he was confused ; so did a couple of council members. One man stood to say the city was doing business with a fraud. And there were more questions about secretive owners from India who won't submit to background checks.

If this has the sound of a story remarkable even for almost-anything-goes Las Vegas, don't forget what's at the heart of it all: Neonopolis.

...more - goodman