New BlackJack Simulation Online Free


Active Member
Improve your Blackjack game by running a free online simulation. You can run up to 100000 hands. Configure your Split, Double, hit and Surrender strategy and run the Simulation. Please visit us at

Please post comments at our message Board

Bjsim admin


Well-Known Member
Easy to use. Next step I would suggest is to build in a background card counter, variable bet function and and overlay individual's preferred playing indices. But I'm sure you already know this . . .


Active Member
It is already their. I just need to clean the titles
Look for this option in http::/

Special Order Options :
Bank: Count:Y Bet Multiplier: NF:1 LF: 2 VLF: 4 HF: VHF:

NF = Normal showing first
LF - Low first
VLF - Very low first
vhf - Very high

I will create a manual how to use soon.


Well-Known Member
bjsim said:
Now up to 5,000 free hands . Added Card couting options.
Added Even money and Insurace advance option.
Now you also have the ability to force the first 20 cards and test specfic strategy.

bjsim admin
[email protected]
Thanks for your efforts, but this number of hands is completely useless for anyone needing simulation results. It's worse than worthless, really - someone may not know better and base their play on it.


Active Member

Thanks Jonatan ,
Next week i will post some results for 100K to 1 Million hands. for example i will post results for 2 hands Basic Strategy, Hi Hands showing first (Forced) and low end Showing first. For the time being i need you to help testing so the result for the 1 million will be correct.

And i see that their is already too many user using it. Even with 5000 you can force cards and get a good simulation for specfic condition.

[email protected]


Well-Known Member
bjsim said:
Thanks Jonatan ,
Next week i will post some results for 100K to 1 Million hands. for example i will post results for 2 hands Basic Strategy, Hi Hands showing first (Forced) and low end Showing first. For the time being i need you to help testing so the result for the 1 million will be correct.

And i see that their is already too many user using it. Even with 5000 you can force cards and get a good simulation for specfic condition.

[email protected]
1 million is still small. In Norm's CVCX, it is suggested at LEAST 400 million rounds to be simmed, while 2 billion rounds are simmed for the canned sims. For precision, I like to use 20 billion rounds, which may or may not be overkill.
Help with simulation math

I have a question for my math friends or somebody with a good simulator...

I have used a simulator on line and the CVCX simulator but came up with very different answers to this question...

Using advanced omega counting system, 75% penetration, double deck, and playing 1000 hands.....

How many times will you see true count of +5 to +10?
+11 to +13?
+14 and over?

thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
kemperpoker said:
I have a question for my math friends or somebody with a good simulator...

I have used a simulator on line and the CVCX simulator but came up with very different answers to this question...

Using advanced omega counting system, 75% penetration, double deck, and playing 1000 hands.....

How many times will you see true count of +5 to +10?
+11 to +13?
+14 and over?

thanks in advance.
1,000 hands has no meaning. Below is the screen from CVCX for 2,000,000,000 hands. True count frequencies are in the second column on the left. This sim was run with flooring, one-quarter-deck estimate resolution.



Active Member
Answer to your question

Hello i run the simulation by groups at http://www.BJSIM.COM configured the couting card section.

Result first time

Cards Counting Stats
Method:True Count
Cards From To Occurs # %Prc

Group 1 4 -99 916 91.6%

Group 2 5 10 65 6.5%

Group 3 11 13 14 1.4%

Second Run

Cards Counting Stats
Method:True Count
Cards From To Occurs # %Prc

Group 1 4 -99 900 90%

Group 2 5 10 90 9%

Group 3 11 13 8 0.8%

Third Run

Cards Counting Stats
Method:True Count
Cards From To Occurs # %Prc

Group 1 4 -99 899 89.9%

Group 2 5 10 89 8.9%

Group 3 11 13 9 0.9%

Please feel free to to go to the card couting section and you can set this test.