New guy here.....


New Member
Just wanted to say hi! :)

I also have a question for you guys, maybe you can give me some insight.

I have been playing casually with casino verite for the last few years, and I win a lot more than I lose. I dont card count, and just use basic strategy. When I lose, maybe 10% of the time, it pales in comparison to what I make when I win. I have been playing 6 deck shoe with about 70% penetration. So am I just good at the game, or is it just luck?

Thanks for any insight.


Well-Known Member
If you're just playing BS and you are ahead then it's luck . . . or "positive variance" in mathematical lingo. Eventually the trend will reverse itself but it can take a lot of hands. I actually hand-dealt 100 shoes (about 7,000 hands), played all hands according to BS, and recorded the results and at the end and I was ahead . . . not by much but I was ahead. Extend that out to 700,000 hands and I'm sure you'd see a different result.

I'll tell you this, I'll take luck over skill any day. Skill is only good for about a 1% advantage . . . luck can add up to a whole lot more. But since you can't count on luck in the long run, skill is the next best thing.
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