Selective memory
Forget the bad player for a moment because perhaps 99% or more of the people who play blackjack are bad or non basic strategy players.
Instead, take the guy who plays basic strategy perfectly but is not counting.
He will hit his 12 vs 3, 16 vs 10, soft18 vs 9,10, and A.
He will double soft 18 vs 3-6
He will split his 9's vs 2-6,8 and 9.
These are just a few standard, simple, basic strategy plays that infuriate the vast majority of blackjack players when things go bad for them.
So you double your soft 18 against the dealer's 4 and draw a six. The dealer lands up having a 6 in the hole and draws a ten, taking yours and everyone else's money on the table. The guy (who has no idea of BS) at first base, quickly sees and shouts out, "that if you had stayed on your perfectly good 18 and not been greedy, the dealer would have busted!" He will remember that hand, most of the players will remember that hand and because of your being their rage's target, you will remember that hand.
Two hands later: You get the same hand, double again and draw a 3, dealer has 16, hits a ten and busts. Had you followed first base's rants, the table would have lost again. Dealer pays the table, no one says nice hit to you, you just take your money like everyone else and the hand has been forgotten forever.
This is pretty close to exactly how the human mind works or does not work on the blackjack table.