New to card Counting needs some help.

Art Mustel

New Member
Hello, I'm just learning the KO rockie counting system. I have a general question about counting. Let's say that after the first hand, the count went positive (pivot point?) Am I supposed to increase my bets so early in the game? This is something I don't understand quite well. If those first cards happen to be low cards, is this the right moment to spread the bet? I know there is something I'm missing here. Your advice will be appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Since KO is an unbalanced count, the idea of "going positive" doesn't quite have the same significance as it would for a balanced count.

You have the advantage at the "key count", which is when you should raise your bet.


Well-Known Member
It's very rare to reach the pivot point early, in shoe games, that is. However, if you do, I would bet the same whether it's one deck or 5 decks dealt, as the pivot point (+4) is the one point in the running count where the true cout is the same, regardless of the number of cards dealt.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of the weirdness specific to an unbalanced count, if you're playing a 6d/8d shoe, it's hard for enough small cards to come out in the first hand in order to move the count enough for an elevated bet. However, if enough small cards are played to do so, then you should indeed raise your bets. And hang on to your hat, because there's a lot of hands left to come, and who knows what's going to happen.