newbie bet spread question

jim davis

New Member
For the 8 deck shoe game, do you need at least a 1 to 8 bet spread to have any chance of profitability --- or can you get by with 1 to 4 ?


Well-Known Member
Need More Firepower

jim davis said:
For the 8 deck shoe game, do you need at least a 1 to 8 bet spread to have any chance of profitability --- or can you get by with 1 to 4 ?
I think 8 decks would require at least a 1 to 12 spread to just get you in the ballpark.

I'm not the most proficient person on 8 deckers, but we have lots of AC guys here who can give you the details on that.

Good luck and good cards.


Well-Known Member
It depends very heavily on the penetration you're getting. 1:4 would probably be the bare minimum to beat the game - as in pennies per hour - and 1:8 would probably be the bare minimum to beat the game for any appreciable amount of money. 1:12 would probably be more reasonable if you're not getting spectacular penetration.


Well-Known Member
also depends a great deal on if you are playing all or wonging. 1-4 playing all is probably an even game at best. 1-4 wonging in on plus counts is still a winner.