Bashful C. Stupid-Butt
Well-Known Member
I found this site via the archives from 2005/2006. I read many threads listening and wondering about what ever happened to the site. All the posts were so old. Then I found the current area of the site.
My story starts way back in 1989. I was being held in a S.D. county jail because I didn't have license plates. I was on my way back to Chicago to fess up to a little money I stole from the gas station I was working at. There was a deck of cards and I spent the weekend playing with myself.
I managed to get off on probation, and have been crime free ever since. While I was on probation, I started looking into the game of blackjack and found a book. I read the whole thing and bought several decks of cards. Within two and a half years of playing at home and with a friend, I became very accurate with my count.
I can't tell you the name of the counting system, but 3,4,5,6 are +1, and 10,j,q,k are -1. Playing at home for so long the tossing in my chips and raising became second nature, and there was no fear. Or so I thought.
One my 1st trip to Vegas with my friend, I was using the Martingale system for betting and was doing good for a while. Soon the cards were not winners and I was faced with a 320.00 bet which I chose not to make and bet 5.00 instead. I won the hand. With in a few more minutes I was broke and spent the rest of my time in the hotel room.
My friend and I kept counting at home playing blackjack for several hours a week. In a year I had worked out a betting system, or money management technique and I was very comfortable with it. There were only a few times when my friend and I actually lost while practicing. I had saved up enough money to go back, and the next year we did. We sat down at a 25.00 table at the Riviera. My friend chose the 3rd base seat and I sat next to him. In no time I was I was ahead.
IN the next shoe, the cards became really good, the count was high and I placed a 475.00 bet while my friend only placed 25.00. Appearently his money was more valuable than mine, or my count was WAY off. I was dealt a 20 and my friend at 3rd base drew a hard 16. The dealer had a 6 showing. My friend hit and drew a 10 going bust. And much to my surprise, the dealer turned up 5 for 21.
I went back home and stopped playing with the guy. I guess our 20 year friendship had hit the rocks. I went to work, and still practiced every night. Good fortune came my way and I found myself with another bankroll. By this time Nothing was going to stop me from beating this game.
In January of that year I broke even until I sat down at a table in the old train station. I went back the next month. My first stop was the Frontier. I was struggling and got up to use the can. I went back to the table and the person who was playing got up and left. For the heck of it, not knowing the count, I get it all and won. I got up and walked across the street to the Dessert Inn.
I sat down and within 20 minutes I was up over 1000.00. I was done for the day and walked back to my roach motel several blocks from the casinos. The next day I went back to the Frontier and again within 20 minutes I was up another 1000.00, and again I got up and went to the Dessert Inn. The same thing happened the next day, and I took a cab to the airport with 7000.00 and some change in my pocket.
In March I flew back down, stayed at the same flea bag motel, and had a hard time finding a good table. Either there were too many people sitting down, or I just wasn;t comfortable and kept on walking. I found myself at the Mirage where I won another 1000.00 plus, and headed back to the Frontier where I just kept on winning.
When this trip was over, I walked to the airport and something strange happened. As I was walking past the water park like around 11pm, a water main broke and this huge spout of water blasted up into the air soaking me and my hard earned 5500.00.
In April, I had purchased a ticket to see Paul McCartney on the 15th. The show was awesome, and because I had continued my winning streak which was up to around 14 sessions, I bribes one of the guards and saw the concert from the 5th row. The trip ended with another 4000.00 in my pocket.
We I got home, I called my friend to tell him of the great success I had and he planned a trip for May. I agreed to meet him. When I arrived back in Vegas, I got the same old flea bitten room away from the casinos. My first session went great. I won another 1250.00 at the Frontier.
I walked over to the Dessert Inn and accidently sat down at a 100.00 table. I won the first hand and when I tried to lower my opening bet from 100.00 to 25.00 I saw the error of my ways and got up. The next day I started all over once again winning at the Frontier, but this time when I sat to play across the street, weird things were beginning to happen.
She was either a mole or a hooker, and she kept asking my for a light or cigarettes, and I found myself 750 in the hole. I pulled out another grand and worked it up to 3750.00. Instead of getting up, I did a little math and saw that I only needed 200.00 or about to have enough for a real game at the 100.00 table, and I ended giving it all back plus another 1000.00.
That was the last time I went to Vegas. Since then, Illinois has opened up several boats, and I have had good luck. Unfortunately, I also decided to start working and didn't have the time to play as often as I would have liked.
In adding up all my winnings, including the nickel and dimming I did playing hit and run, where you watch a table until the cards are good and then get in for a few hands and walk away a winner. I have used card counting to win inexcess of 25,000.00, and have only suffered in total 6 losing sessions.
I still play in my room. I can still count like it was a natural instinct, but through dating and relationships, I never old anyone that I like to play, and I only snuck out 2 or 3 times to paly in 7+ years where I was playing for small change.
My current situation is much different now. I'm not dating anyone, and I am a plaintiff in a civil case against Chicago and Cook County for a false arrest while I was delivering pizza. Last month I was awarded $60,000.00 but my lawyer and I have decided to reject the arbitration award. He's put in 2 years of his life, and at 33% he would end up making less then I made delivering pizza, and I think I deserve more for the 30 days I spent in jail on a warrant for someone else named Bashful C. Stupid-Butt!
Have a great day!
Love the site, and will try to remember to come back with a fresh start and new beginning.
I found this site via the archives from 2005/2006. I read many threads listening and wondering about what ever happened to the site. All the posts were so old. Then I found the current area of the site.
My story starts way back in 1989. I was being held in a S.D. county jail because I didn't have license plates. I was on my way back to Chicago to fess up to a little money I stole from the gas station I was working at. There was a deck of cards and I spent the weekend playing with myself.
I managed to get off on probation, and have been crime free ever since. While I was on probation, I started looking into the game of blackjack and found a book. I read the whole thing and bought several decks of cards. Within two and a half years of playing at home and with a friend, I became very accurate with my count.
I can't tell you the name of the counting system, but 3,4,5,6 are +1, and 10,j,q,k are -1. Playing at home for so long the tossing in my chips and raising became second nature, and there was no fear. Or so I thought.
One my 1st trip to Vegas with my friend, I was using the Martingale system for betting and was doing good for a while. Soon the cards were not winners and I was faced with a 320.00 bet which I chose not to make and bet 5.00 instead. I won the hand. With in a few more minutes I was broke and spent the rest of my time in the hotel room.
My friend and I kept counting at home playing blackjack for several hours a week. In a year I had worked out a betting system, or money management technique and I was very comfortable with it. There were only a few times when my friend and I actually lost while practicing. I had saved up enough money to go back, and the next year we did. We sat down at a 25.00 table at the Riviera. My friend chose the 3rd base seat and I sat next to him. In no time I was I was ahead.
IN the next shoe, the cards became really good, the count was high and I placed a 475.00 bet while my friend only placed 25.00. Appearently his money was more valuable than mine, or my count was WAY off. I was dealt a 20 and my friend at 3rd base drew a hard 16. The dealer had a 6 showing. My friend hit and drew a 10 going bust. And much to my surprise, the dealer turned up 5 for 21.
I went back home and stopped playing with the guy. I guess our 20 year friendship had hit the rocks. I went to work, and still practiced every night. Good fortune came my way and I found myself with another bankroll. By this time Nothing was going to stop me from beating this game.
In January of that year I broke even until I sat down at a table in the old train station. I went back the next month. My first stop was the Frontier. I was struggling and got up to use the can. I went back to the table and the person who was playing got up and left. For the heck of it, not knowing the count, I get it all and won. I got up and walked across the street to the Dessert Inn.
I sat down and within 20 minutes I was up over 1000.00. I was done for the day and walked back to my roach motel several blocks from the casinos. The next day I went back to the Frontier and again within 20 minutes I was up another 1000.00, and again I got up and went to the Dessert Inn. The same thing happened the next day, and I took a cab to the airport with 7000.00 and some change in my pocket.
In March I flew back down, stayed at the same flea bag motel, and had a hard time finding a good table. Either there were too many people sitting down, or I just wasn;t comfortable and kept on walking. I found myself at the Mirage where I won another 1000.00 plus, and headed back to the Frontier where I just kept on winning.
When this trip was over, I walked to the airport and something strange happened. As I was walking past the water park like around 11pm, a water main broke and this huge spout of water blasted up into the air soaking me and my hard earned 5500.00.
In April, I had purchased a ticket to see Paul McCartney on the 15th. The show was awesome, and because I had continued my winning streak which was up to around 14 sessions, I bribes one of the guards and saw the concert from the 5th row. The trip ended with another 4000.00 in my pocket.
We I got home, I called my friend to tell him of the great success I had and he planned a trip for May. I agreed to meet him. When I arrived back in Vegas, I got the same old flea bitten room away from the casinos. My first session went great. I won another 1250.00 at the Frontier.
I walked over to the Dessert Inn and accidently sat down at a 100.00 table. I won the first hand and when I tried to lower my opening bet from 100.00 to 25.00 I saw the error of my ways and got up. The next day I started all over once again winning at the Frontier, but this time when I sat to play across the street, weird things were beginning to happen.
She was either a mole or a hooker, and she kept asking my for a light or cigarettes, and I found myself 750 in the hole. I pulled out another grand and worked it up to 3750.00. Instead of getting up, I did a little math and saw that I only needed 200.00 or about to have enough for a real game at the 100.00 table, and I ended giving it all back plus another 1000.00.
That was the last time I went to Vegas. Since then, Illinois has opened up several boats, and I have had good luck. Unfortunately, I also decided to start working and didn't have the time to play as often as I would have liked.
In adding up all my winnings, including the nickel and dimming I did playing hit and run, where you watch a table until the cards are good and then get in for a few hands and walk away a winner. I have used card counting to win inexcess of 25,000.00, and have only suffered in total 6 losing sessions.
I still play in my room. I can still count like it was a natural instinct, but through dating and relationships, I never old anyone that I like to play, and I only snuck out 2 or 3 times to paly in 7+ years where I was playing for small change.
My current situation is much different now. I'm not dating anyone, and I am a plaintiff in a civil case against Chicago and Cook County for a false arrest while I was delivering pizza. Last month I was awarded $60,000.00 but my lawyer and I have decided to reject the arbitration award. He's put in 2 years of his life, and at 33% he would end up making less then I made delivering pizza, and I think I deserve more for the 30 days I spent in jail on a warrant for someone else named Bashful C. Stupid-Butt!
Have a great day!
Love the site, and will try to remember to come back with a fresh start and new beginning.