Nice to see the sight back up and running!

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Thanks for your good wishes!

Creating and moderating this site has been a far tougher task than I ever anticipated, and my wife often wonders why I devote so much time to it. Among other things, there are personality clashes among well respected posters here, cross-site flame wars, and posters who insist on violating every posting guideline they can.

Still, I honestly enjoy the feeling of community here, and trust that with just the most modest corrections from now on, this conversation will be a productive and fun one.



Re: Nice to see the site back up and running!

Welcome back, Eliot. Glad to see things back up and operational. Hang in there.
Good Luck,

scobee 1

New Member
Ever the optimist

Glad to see you are back. This moderation thing is the wave of the present..... like you say, this community should be fun to be part of and not a battlefield of personalities. I have no problem with differing opinions, but sometimes the attacks and consequent rebuttals are tiresome.

By the way....I think that Snyder's 'High-Low Lite' indices are the easiest to remember and have merit since they sacrifice practically nothing to a player's PE over the 'catch 22.' But that is another thread....

Congratulations for persistence and prudence, Eliot.

