It goes like this, Casino A is offering its affiliates a 100% share of house win revenue for a given month. The affiliate is willing to sign up one person for this offer, this ensures that either the player wins and is up for the month, or loses and all his losses go to that affiliate (If more than one player is signed up for this deal one players winnings could cancel out another's loses, meaning the losing player would get nothing back). At the end of the month either the player has won money and all is well, or the player has lost money, of which he is refunded all losses, minus the flat insurance payment, by the affiliate.
Mathematically this does not change house odds at all over the month seeing as how the loss refund is a one shot thing. It's just an insurance if (when) the house does win.
It's more or less a silent auction with the affiliate, whoever pledges the highest insurance rate gets the deal. So basically does anyone know how to calculate the value of the deal?
In terms of trust issues with the affiliate, I've worked with him many times before and know him personally, so that does not factor into the problem.