propagandhi said:
I was just curious as to when good play would overcome luck. How many hands would one need before analysis would indicate skill rather luck?
Wel. like BJ Avenger said, alot depends on the "plan" that you are playing with.
With no "plan", you'll never know because you have nothing to measure your results against.
Often it's described as that point in which your EV=1 stan deviation. Sometimes known as N0.
In really good games, 10,000 hands would be enough to reach that point, in bad games, you might still need 600,000 more hands lol.
But if you know what's expected from playing a certain game a certain way, the calculation is not difficult.
Like in the World Wide Wrestling, I mean BJ match, currently unfolding in the Voodoo section here between the Wise Frog, wearing green trunks vs, JJ, the Single Drop of Rain, in the other corner, the game they describe would take about 34894 rounds to reach N0 since at that point EV would = $7120 and 1 Stan dev would also = $7120.
At that point it's reasonable to assume it ain't luck.
Just edited to add that, in general, you probably should have at least a reasonable idea if you are on track or not after 10,000 hands of playing to a "plan".