As long as we're not Bugs Bunny.rogue1 said:but could we write of Basic Strategy and not Basic Stragedy?
Oh, the worst misspelling possible- typing "count" but leaving out the 'o'. I've caught myself a few times and fortunately it's never gotten through. We're good enough at alienating women without bob said:Ken, You need to post a "sticky" for commonly mispelled words on the forum.
The most notorious being the one's you've already mentioned plus: Defin"i"tely, Sien(n)a, and to"u"rnament. That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are many others.
When do you use "whom" properly?eps6724 said:The improper use of 'whom' and 'who' always ticked me off, until I remembered a line from the musical "1776"-We're a Congress, Mr. Adams, not a literary society".
If you use Internet Explorer, look at the right above the text entry area. You should see an icon with "ABC" and a checkmark. That will prompt you to download 'iespell' which you can then use to spell-check your said:Hey ken would it be possible to put some kind of " spell check" into the area where we send messages for those of us without master degrees or who dont speak english as a first language?
Basically, if it's being used in place of "him" or "her", then it's "whom". Even if you need to turn the sentence around such as: "Whom are you calling?" (I'm calling him/her). If it's used in place of "he" or "she", then it's "who", such as: "Who's calling me?" (He/She is calling me).ChefJJ said:When do you use "whom" properly?
When you had the English teacher in High Scool I had, you would just know! But Leon (above) already aswered for those who didn't grace Her room! (Oh, it's never whom when plural, either.)ChefJJ said:When do you use "whom" properly?