O.K., it's not the biggest deal in the world

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Spelling Miststeaks

Ken, You need to post a "sticky" for commonly mispelled words on the forum.
The most notorious being the one's you've already mentioned plus: Defin"i"tely, Sien(n)a, and to"u"rnament. That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are many others.
bj bob said:
Ken, You need to post a "sticky" for commonly mispelled words on the forum.
The most notorious being the one's you've already mentioned plus: Defin"i"tely, Sien(n)a, and to"u"rnament. That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are many others.
Oh, the worst misspelling possible- typing "count" but leaving out the 'o'. I've caught myself a few times and fortunately it's never gotten through. We're good enough at alienating women without that.


“It is impossible for me to have less interest or concern in this matter, since I am already utterly indifferent”.


Well-Known Member
The improper use of 'whom' and 'who' always ticked me off, until I remembered a line from the musical "1776"-We're a Congress, Mr. Adams, not a literary society".


Well-Known Member
Hey ken would it be possible to put some kind of " spell check" into the area where we send messages for those of us without master degrees or who dont speak english as a first language?


Well-Known Member
eps6724 said:
The improper use of 'whom' and 'who' always ticked me off, until I remembered a line from the musical "1776"-We're a Congress, Mr. Adams, not a literary society".
When do you use "whom" properly?


Staff member
nc-tom said:
Hey ken would it be possible to put some kind of " spell check" into the area where we send messages for those of us without master degrees or who dont speak english as a first language?
If you use Internet Explorer, look at the right above the text entry area. You should see an icon with "ABC" and a checkmark. That will prompt you to download 'iespell' which you can then use to spell-check your posts.

If you use Firefox, there is a plugin that will spell check any textarea. Can't recall the name, but it should be easy to find.


Well-Known Member
ChefJJ said:
When do you use "whom" properly?
Basically, if it's being used in place of "him" or "her", then it's "whom". Even if you need to turn the sentence around such as: "Whom are you calling?" (I'm calling him/her). If it's used in place of "he" or "she", then it's "who", such as: "Who's calling me?" (He/She is calling me).

Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
ChefJJ said:
When do you use "whom" properly?
When you had the English teacher in High Scool I had, you would just know! But Leon (above) already aswered for those who didn't grace Her room!:) (Oh, it's never whom when plural, either.)


Well-Known Member
back in the day

in the old neighborhood-"Can you write your name?" "yeah"
"'ya know a ten from a twenty?" "yeah"