Off to see the wizard


Well today is the start of my 33 week attack. I must admit that I am a bit nervous as have not played seriously for about 8 months and as stated on past posts my last 10 - 12 sessions where not alot of fun.

Starting with SD game in casino I consider friendly, good penetration, rules etc. so really expect to have winning session but like I said I am a bit nervous. (can't get old neg SD out of my mind) Am starting out playing red 10 - 50 which is down from my normal green action but again this is where my game plan says to start to reach goal of $ 30,000 bankroll.

Hope the BJ God is smiling on me.


Active Member
Good luck Bro.Be honest with your updates.Focus on your game when you're playing but do something healty for 2/3 hours a day to counter the monotony and stress and where you can completely take your focus OFF your game .When I lived in AC and playing poker for a living I would run 4 miles on the Boardwalk everynight at 10-11pm and then go in and play till 6/7 am. And I would also see alot of movies. If you're traveling you can jog or use treadmills or eliptical trainers found in any casino's exercise room.If your in Tunica ..jog along the levees .If you are in Vegas every decent gym is open 24 hrz.
Mix it up and you will not burn out so quickly and your game focus will be the better for it.