On WSOBJ last night

Stealth Bomber

Well-Known Member
The players did some weird stuff.

1) Bobby doubles for less on a 9 vs. 6 while still early in the round.

2) Micky splits 10's vs. 10 while shoe was at negative C., then splits off another 10. Plays with stiffs. D gets 3 card 21.

3) The young guy on 3B stands on hard 14 v. 10. I don't think the C was high enough to warrant this as being a proper decision. I had stopped counting though by this time so I'm not sure. But I doubt the C got very high after it went negative earlier.

4) On the last hand; Brad is guaranteed to advance as long as he doesn't bet so much as to let Bobby have a chance back in, but he does anyway with a hand shake as if to say, "Here you go I'm decent enough to give you one last chance at beating me." Big mistake, Bobby gets BJ with 5K out and takes 2nd behind Micky while Brad loses his 5K bet. Only person Brad was competing with could have been Micky. Why did he let Bobby back in!? Bobby, you need to thank Brad again for his gift to you.

I also noticed the announcers pretend to know BJ but don't. But that's okay. I just think it would be more exciting to the viewers if they had a great tourney player helping with the announcing.

Abraham de Moivre

Well-Known Member
"The young guy on 3B stands on hard 14 v. 10. I don't think the C was high enough to warrant this as being a proper decision."

Conventional counts are pretty much useless for 14 vs 10. The only thing that matters on this play is HOW MANY 7s ARE LEFT?


James Grosjean as Egghead

I already answered this on BJ21, but I wanted to bring up another topic. Between the disquises, psudonyms and outlandish attire, did anyone else think the players came off like villains from the old Adam West BATMAN tv show?

learning to count

Well-Known Member
I finally caught an episode of this "game show". This episode the MIT guy won. This show is stupid. Pardon my humble oppinion. I watch the poker competition shows because they are "true grit"! This WSOBJ is dumb and the players are boring. I know someone out there is going to be upset because I destroyed thier perceptions and beliefs about this hyped game show. I think any Counter worth his weight and skill will agree that playing in the trenches is far more real and exciting than watching a bunch of idiots make moves based on idiotic gambling beliefs and using betting progressions that they think will win for them. I think we need to concentrate in getting out the word on issues that matter like the end of 6/5,csm, and other casino scams. JMHO!


LTC, you are hating champagne because it is in a paper cup! No doubt, the presentation and commentary of the show left a lot to be desired, but my good man- this is a TV show paying our brethren real dollars to play Blackjack! I just can't see how this is a bad thing.

I'm hoping the producers learned a lot in making this show and can substantially improve future projects. The participants from the show that posted on BlackjackTournaments.com described how the entire series was shot over two grueling days, and apparently the participants wound up playing something like an incredibly slow 15 hands per hour due to the delays necessary to film the action.

As for your mention of progressions, this is advocated (in tournament situations <U>only</U>) by Stanford Wong himself in his classic text, Casino Tournament Strategy. Yep, most of the show was dull, unless you are a tournament nerd like me, but I like to take the optimistic viewpoint. I want to see them do it again, but next time I'd like to be invited to play!


suicyco manaic

New Member
I hate that show too. The only glimmer of hope I have is that it convinces more ploppie to get out there and play BJ instead of the other carnival games. SM
All depends on the rules. 14 vs. 10 surrender > 3 (HO2) is a very powerful index, and the High-Low one is a good one too. What are the rules they use in tournament blackjack, anyway?


Tournament Rules *LINK*

Tournament rules vary, but they are generally based on the regular rules for the same game at the host casino. From there, they may offer an unusual rule variations like to vary the payoffs of BJs, or forbid taking even money on a BJ if you have bet all your bankroll. For example, I think the Mohegan Sun does not allow you to split mis-matched tens in their regular game, but this was allowed during the WSoBJ tournament, as was the manual checking for dealer Blackjacks. Generally, you are playing a standard 6 deck game, sometimes h17, sometimes with late surrender. As for the action during the game, most casinos use a rotating button similar to what they use in poker games, in order that each player will have equal opportunity to be the last to act.

For more information on tournament rules and strategy, check out http://www.blackjackinfo.com/ and (Dead link: http://www.bjfonline.com/).

Anthony Curtis ran a series on his LVA site covering each episode of the WSoBJ. Check the link below.


Stealth Bomber

Well-Known Member
Re: On WSOBJ Monday night

They are using surrender in this tourney. Even so, the young quy on 3B didn't use it and didn't even hit his hard 14 v. 10. What's up with that?

What's more; Micky splits his 10's v. D10 then does it again. I think he knew there was a small card under. What's up with that? Who told him?


Re: On WSOBJ Monday night

Dealer did a "double clutch" on the look at hole card. One of the best advantage plays in the game. Realizing what she had done she then tried to fake the players out. One of the players made a comment which caused her to do the fake. A good player would have kept his mouth shut.

learning to count

Well-Known Member
LTC, you are hating champagne because it is in a paper cup! No doubt, the presentation and commentary of the show left a lot to be desired, but my good man- this is a TV show paying our brethren real dollars to play Blackjack! I just can't see how this is a bad thing.

I'm hoping the producers learned a lot in making this show and can substantially improve future projects. The participants from the show that posted on BlackjackTournaments.com described how the entire series was shot over two grueling days, and apparently the participants wound up playing something like an incredibly slow 15 hands per hour due to the delays necessary to film the action.

As for your mention of progressions, this is advocated (in tournament situations only) by Stanford Wong himself in his classic text, Casino Tournament Strategy. Yep, most of the show was dull, unless you are a tournament nerd like me, but I like to take the optimistic viewpoint. I want to see them do it again, but next time I'd like to be invited to play!


"I value your input and I respect your oppinion. I dont drink not even for cover. I do drink caffiene attainiable products at the tables. I dont like Champagne. I play semi pro. This means my skills are above average and I have a meager under 25k BR. I play for profit. I play to take the casinos money from them. I want to effect the bottom line on tax day. I am in it for the money. Champagne from a 100 dollar glass or a paper cup; nah; I want cold hard cash! I dont have time for bull shite on TV. What can you learn from such a dismal ignorant show anyway. Black jack is still the number one card game around the world. More people play it than poker. Though Poker in my oppinion a harder game of skill. The Poker shows at least show you life in the trenches. It may be a TV show but hear me now those guys are not holding back. I'm waiting to see one pull a gun and shoot someone after being bluffed out of a million. After you play in the fire why would you think of masturbation at that level of the WSOBJ?" LTC

Stealth Bomber

Well-Known Member
Re: On WSOBJ Monday night

So I guess he thought it was a 4 or something other than an ace or even a 10. I guess I'll buy that instead of accusing him of cheating with a conspirator.


Well-Known Member
I can think of worse things to watch on tv but you are right, poker is better for watching.

Anybody see the History Channel's "Breaking Vegas" ? The story about the MIT students. I didn't like it. I thought it portrayed Mr. M as dumb. The students were portrayed in a good light but it kind of ruined my fantasy of what it must have been like. I guess kind of like meeting your favorite movie star and then to be disappointed to find out that he/she looks terrible in person or is a total b****/jerk.