Online Blackjack Software


Looks quite a nice setup. Only thing is, I prefer windows based stuff rather than web based, I just get annoyed waiting for them to refresh. The BS trainer on this site is very good also.


Looks cool. I already have some BJ software on my PC but I like this one too :).

EDIT: too bad you can only play with one player.


Apart from Casino Veritas, Is there a Blackjack trainer available for free download that would help with starting to practice counting. I'd rather have one on my pc than web based

I have veritas trial version but not sure if i want to shell out the 60euro at the moment for full version.


Count Von Count

New Member
Before getting CV, I was looking for a similar standalone app myself. There are some here:

(Dead link:

I am not really sure of their value as a practice tool.

My advice is to splash out on CV! You can get it on Amazon for $90 (about £50). You should recoup that in a night on the tables!

Ebay has CV for sale at the same price ($90).


bought the cv blueprint..half the price to try it out first so hopefully i'll upgrade to the main one once i've checked it and see how much i use it.

only cost me an extra 10dollars if i want to upgrade anyway..

thanks for advice