Online Blackjack solitaire


New Member
Hi. I did a search for "solitaire" and nothing relevant turned up, so thought I'd make a new thread.

I recently found an online game where you can make (and lose:) money playing Blackjack solitaire, with other players. I find the game quite fun, but lose more than I win. Does anyone have any good articles on this game? Tips, hints, basic strategies? I can't find any articles etc. other than the ones from the site where I play. Everything is always about standard BJ. Thanks for any info.


Well-Known Member
It's probably impossible to get an edge over the game even with awesome skills, else people would make bots that would play the game better than any human and the site would go bankrupt pretty fast.


New Member
The website doesn't care who wins. You don't play them, but other players. They take a percent of the winnings regardless. They have some software that is reportedly to detect hacking. Does it work? Dunno. I know there is basic strategies, since I have improved a lot. I'm pretty much stuck in my progression, yet see others consistently get higher scores. So, they must be doing something I am not. I'd like to know what:)


Well-Known Member
Can you please post a link to this game or the rules.

It you indeed play others I will be able to do a comp analsys on it to determine best moves at all time. This could indeed be a way to make considerable money.

This reminds me off some pass-around blackjack games where everyone takes turning being dealer. As long as the other players stuff up from basic stategy to more than cover the $1 anty each time you dealt you would be fine. Of course this is a big if.