Online counting drills?


Well-Known Member
Hey all.

So...I'm getting better. Increasing my speed slowly while maintaining my accuracy. But I'm a few months away from a casino yet.

I enjoy the java BS drill because I can be on the phone and going through the drill throughout my day with very little "heat" from my boss. I've found that the computer drill has really helped with cementing my understanding of basic strategy...but I wonder if there is an equivalent counting drill. I've started to count along with the HitorStand drill, but it's fairly arbitrary, and the BS drill doesn't allow for variations or decisions based on a count (which makes sense since the point of the BS drill is to cycle through a set of predetermined "difficult" hands, and not deviate from BS). And as it's bad form to flip through cards at my desk, I'm having trouble breaking the 30 second mark.

Any thoughts or URL's?
