OPP versus Hi-Lo and Red 7


Has there been any threads discussing the REAL LIVE results of people using the OPP versus Hi-Lo and Red 7.

I currently use Hi-Lo. I don't like to play greater than 240 minutes straight before my mind goes fuzzy.

My friend says that OPP gives him the same results with less efforts and is not "as taxing".

I thought I'd ask the experts here what your opinions are!


Well-Known Member
I don't know what OPP is but all card counting systems are basically the same. If you want easy and powerful then I would recommend KO. It is just as strong as those other three you asked about.
The 6 hour session limit is probably a good idea. One thing that helps is to take care of your eyes. If you wear glasses make sure they are of a current prescription and clean. The reason is the brain has to do a lot of processing to make sense of images so the less distortion it has to sort out, the less mental fatigue.

You can't rely on anecdotal evidence for BJ because the advantage is too subtle for human perception. The voodoo and progression players often feel like they are having positive results too, sometimes for a long time. High-Low is such a good system for shoe blackjack, with lots of documentation and other users you can compare notes with, and I think you would be cheating yourself by switching to a weak system like OPP.


Well-Known Member
I agree that Hi Lo is pretty much the baseline for all counting. It's got the most documentation, and is most amenable to doing strategy variants. Personally, I don't feel up to the challenge of true count conversion, under any circumstances. I picked KO because a) I heard about it first, and b) I didn't want even want to pay attention to color like in Red 7.

As for as taxedness, I can play 12 hours (with breaks for meals, bathrooms, and the occassional walking around), and still feel like I'm operating successfully.

Unfortunately, having not even tried Hi Lo, I can't even tell you how that would compare from a fatigue standpoint.


QFIT said:
KO, Red7 and HiLo have about three times the win rate of OPP.

I was under the impression that the results for shoe play was similiar. I know that OPP is much easier and too easy to be true I thought.

As far as time limits - thanks for the advice - any other hints? My biggest obstacle is the old adage we had from school and sitting in the classroom - the mind can only accept what the butt can tolerate :laugh:

This was the link that my friend gave me to read about OPP http://www.blackjackforumonline.com/content/Easy_OPP_Card_Counting_System.htm

I just wanted to hear from anyone who used it "live" - We know the old saying that simulated results doesn't guarentee actual results.
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Well-Known Member
It's a shame the page you linked to hasn't been pulled or corrected. The author had never run a sim before and at that time did not understand how to fairly compensate for risk in BJ sims. Sims by three independent folk using three different simulators that took into account risk and used betting ramps that provided a fair comparison all disagreed with the article.


QFIT said:
It's a shame the page you linked to hasn't been pulled or corrected. The author had never run a sim before and at that time did not understand how to fairly compensate for risk in BJ sims. Sims by three independent folk using three different simulators that took into account risk and used betting ramps that provided a fair comparison all disagreed with the article.
Thanks for the confirmation on that QFit,

I kinda believe that if it ain't broke don't fix it motto, but I also wanted to have an open mind too! Appreciate your help on this one!


Well-Known Member
Kiss Iii

I use the Kiss III count from Fred Renzeys' Blackjack Bluebook II. It's an unbalanced count so there's no need for a true count conversion. The Kiss III count has been good to me.
Good luck!