Ordering BJ Books


Well-Known Member
I ordered Blackjack Bluebook II and Twenty-First Century Blackjack from Amazon on Jan 8th. They showed a delivery time of Feb which I was not happy with, but let the order stand. Now they tell me delivery will be April 3 for Bluebook and March 27 for the other. Are these transcribed by hand by former AP's who became Monks or something? :)

I wanted these before a 3/20 trip! I know they're not available at my local bookstores. Can anyone suggest where I might get them OnLine sooner .. like within 2-3 weeks? Even used copy is OK

If not, anything else besides Snyder's books (got them) that might be helpful?


Staff member
Blackjack BlueBook is excellent I hear, but you're wasting money on Twenty-First Century Blackjack. I sell neither of them here, but I would also recommend Play Blackjack Like the Pros by Blackwood.

And, here's a deal I was about to post in Announcements...

Special price on "Play Blackjack Like the Pros"

I have three copies of Kevin Blackwood's excellent book "Play Blackjack Like the Pros" that are publisher remainder stock. That means they are unsold returns from bookstores. The copies are brand-new, in perfect condition except for one black ink mark along the bottom edge to show they are returns.

I sell this book in the BlackjackInfo store for $15.95 plus shipping, but I'm offering these copies for $8.95 including media mail shipping.

It's not listed in the store, so you'll need to email or PM me.
You can pay with credit card or PayPal.

Credit card: PM the details, or call me at 601-310-4112
Paypal: Send the funds to kensmith-at-blackjackinfo.com
(replace the -at- with @)

In either case, PM, call, or email me the postal address for shipping.