Paid on a push

I'll try to lay this out as clearly and fairly as I can. I'm looking for some feedback on the whole thing.

I was dealt a pair of 9s. Dealer showed a 9. I split the 9s. I draw a 2 on the first 9 and double down into a 21. I draw a 10 on the second 9 and stand.
The dealer flips and shows a 10. The result should have been a 2 unit gain.
I collect my chips, both the bets and the wins and another player says "you paid him on a the push".
The dealer calls "floor" and says "I paid him on the push". The pit boss says "you have to give us the money back".
I say "no". At this time, I honestly didn't think I was paid on the push. After some back and forth I say "I want to speak to your manager".
The pit boss says "you have to give the money back" and holds our her hand. I say "I've got the money, I'm going home".
Now the pit boss runs over to the phone and starts making calls. I leave out the front door.

Here is my stance: you're going to take the word of another patron that I was overpaid and not review it on tape? That was my beef with not giving the money back immediately and why I asked to speak to the manager like a Karen.

After I left the premises, I counted up my chips and I might (might) have been paid on the push. But I'm honestly not sure.

Just looking for some feedback on how I handled it, how they handled it, and anything I should do moving forward.


Well-Known Member
First things first: the other player was a consummate asshole. As to your action, you should have simply said: "I don't think I was paid on the push, but I'll be happy to give back the money after you call upstairs and review the tape."



Well-Known Member
What Don said. They can and probably will demand the money back when you return. And you have to pay up (assuming they reviewed the tape.)

Assuming they review the tape and confirm what the other patron claimed (LOL), I have no problem returning the money. But you know what, they had every chance to do that IN THAT MOMENT. I wish I had been specific instead of "asking for the manager" but the same could be said for them too.

On a side note, a similar thing happened a few years back but in the opposite direction. Called for a hit (like a 12 vs an 8, obvious hit), didn't get the hit, would have made a 21. I griped and the PB took the side of the dealer who claimed with 100% certainty that I said stand. I asked for a review and they WOULD NOT DO IT. I had to gripe to another PB. At this point I just wanted my original bet back. They finally reviewed and ended up paying me for the win.


Well-Known Member
Burnitdown said:

Assuming they review the tape and confirm what the other patron claimed (LOL), I have no problem returning the money. But you know what, they had every chance to do that IN THAT MOMENT. I wish I had been specific instead of "asking for the manager" but the same could be said for them too.

On a side note, a similar thing happened a few years back but in the opposite direction. Called for a hit (like a 12 vs an 8, obvious hit), didn't get the hit, would have made a 21. I griped and the PB took the side of the dealer who claimed with 100% certainty that I said stand. I asked for a review and they WOULD NOT DO IT. I had to gripe to another PB. At this point I just wanted my original bet back. They finally reviewed and ended up paying me for the win.
You were luckier than I. In my case I was betting purples on one hole because I was heads up with the dealer. I made a multiple card(4) 21 and tied the dealer's multiple card 21. The dealer promptly swept up my chips into the tray. When I pointed out the error, the pit reviewed the discards and affirmed my claim but the dealer only returned half my bet. After protesting that I was shorted 50% of my wager, the pit re-played the tape and the eye sided with the dealer! I know for a fact that I had two chips laying the circle- I was maxing out on a monster count; no way would I be betting any lesser amount. So if the House wants to do a number on you, they have many ways to do just that. If the dealer doesn't screw you, you've got the pit and the eye to contend with. If you get by them, then good luck in the parking lot. Incidentally, I never played against that same pit crew ever again.

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Well-Known Member
My response to the casino would be train your staff. Its your error. I will pay you once you can prove you have paid back errors made in your favor.
If this is just a count game I would very calmly say that player is just upset because I used to date his sister and I ended the relationship because she gets around.


First, just a side note, what you call a "Pit Boss" is really a "Floor Supervisor." Pit Boss is a very high position in the casino hierarchy; Floor Supervisor is one step above dealer.

I've never had the slightest hesitation from my floor (I'm a dealer) to review a hand on tape. In the last couple of days I had one player claim I failed to pay him; the tape revealed he had busted and then replaced his bet before I busted and paid the remaining active players. Another involved a player where I took on a player win, and another involved a player who claimed he pushed but the tape revealed I had correctly taken his losing bet.

I personally have total confidence that the eye in the sky will come up with the correct result.