Passing out BS Cards


Well-Known Member
I went to Vegas for an Ultimate Frisbee tournament about a month ago, and in the airport just for fun I bought one of the little laminated BS cards for Blackjack. I already know BS, but I just wanted one.

Anyway, last Friday and Saturday I was at Casino Windsor playing Blackjack, and had the card in my wallet. Throughout the trip, I had about 3 instances of people pulling out their own cards and following them, but me and my friend said they could just ask us to save time because we know the card very well. They began to do this, because they always checked our advice with the card.

Anyway, at the very last table of my trip, 2 guys I was playing with sat down and were absolutely awful. I mean standing on 13v10's, hitting 14's v6's, you name it. Eventually we were able to convince them to listen to us and some others at the table who knew BS. (b/c at Casino Windsor the Dealers are NOT allowed to offer advice)

So, when me and my friend got up to leave (up $900 Canadian between us), one of the 2 two guys on my right was like "No you cant leave!! How will I know what to do?!?!". With that, I reached into my pocket, gave him the BS card, and said follow that and you'll do just fine.

My question is, I was thinking about buying like 30 of these cards in bulk and just passing them out at every table if people wanted them?

Nice move, or arrogant offensive move?



Well-Known Member
If I were you, I wouldn't worry about how other people play at the table. It's not your job to educate them on how to play and the more money the casino makes from poor play the less chance of them implementing lousy rules. Save the money for yourself instead of buying other people cards. However if teaching is something you enjoy and you get pleasure out of helping others then go for it!


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
I went to Vegas for an Ultimate Frisbee tournament about a month ago, and in the airport just for fun I bought one of the little laminated BS cards for Blackjack. I already know BS, but I just wanted one.

Anyway, last Friday and Saturday I was at Casino Windsor playing Blackjack, and had the card in my wallet. Throughout the trip, I had about 3 instances of people pulling out their own cards and following them, but me and my friend said they could just ask us to save time because we know the card very well. They began to do this, because they always checked our advice with the card.

Anyway, at the very last table of my trip, 2 guys I was playing with sat down and were absolutely awful. I mean standing on 13v10's, hitting 14's v6's, you name it. Eventually we were able to convince them to listen to us and some others at the table who knew BS. (b/c at Casino Windsor the Dealers are NOT allowed to offer advice)

So, when me and my friend got up to leave (up $900 Canadian between us), one of the 2 two guys on my right was like "No you cant leave!! How will I know what to do?!?!". With that, I reached into my pocket, gave him the BS card, and said follow that and you'll do just fine.

My question is, I was thinking about buying like 30 of these cards in bulk and just passing them out at every table if people wanted them?

Nice move, or arrogant offensive move?

1) i think it is a bad move to look "too" smart in a casino.
2) you might upset the casino by passing out information that will cut into their take.

just some food for thought.
Dyepaintball12 said:
Nice move, or arrogant offensive move?

"Distribution of literature by non-employees on these premises is prohibited."

Sometimes other players can be manipulated at the table to your benefit, such as with backlining, and a BS card as a gift might be a useful tool for this but leave plays like that to the ZenGrifter for now and get your experience playing your game.


Well-Known Member
A big mistake

Years ago, my son was having his bachelors party over a weekend in Vegas. So here were about 25 guys, all in their late 20's, all making decent incomes and none of them really knew how to play blackjack but had heard that I knew the game.
I bought a pad of 100 BS cards from bj21 and gave them to the guys. A couple of them got extreme heat at the Monte Carlo when a pit asked to see the card and saw that it not only was printed by but also had instructions not to play 6/5 blackjack. Their cards were taken and though they were not backed off, they both felt like a pit critter was on their back every hand.
So do not give away cards that are made by AP sites (common sense that I did not use)

Also, as far a people you do not know are concerned. The casinos need those players who play at over a 2% disadvantage. If everyone played perfect basic strategy and the casino was only making .5% or less on blackjack, then the game would be changed beyond recognition. Bad players make the game possible for good players to win.



Well-Known Member
i agree with everyone; bad idea to distribute it, especially to strangers. Dont do it! Only do it for your friends or family. Or, buy the bulk, and sell on ebay individually. They go for ~$1.00-$2.00 USD + $0.50USD shipping.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
My question is, I was thinking about buying like 30 of these cards in bulk and just passing them out at every table if people wanted them?
Buy? Since I'm "All cheap - all the time", as my wife often tells me, I'd just print them out from the internet for nothing if that's what you want to do.

I just make my own and bring them. Like for Spanish21 or other BJ variants.

Just don't pass the one out with the index departures on it :)

What'd u pay for one anyway? More than a minimum bet? lol


Well-Known Member
I think it could be a bad idea to let the casino know you have the BS cards.

If the casino knows you have a BS card but then they see that you aren't following the BS that YOU handed out, wouldn't that be a tip that you are a possible counter?

After all if you are passing out BS cards to other players to follow then shouldn't you also be following BS?

How can the casino take away personal property from a player, ie basic strategy cards? I say that the casino could have told a player to put the card away or to leave the casino but how could they take it away?


Well-Known Member
All I know is what they told me

Dyepaintball12 said:
Yeah that doesn't make sense either.

How can they just confiscate your property?
I was not there when the cards were taken.