Pathetic or getting really good?


Active Member
I'm laughing just thinking of this...

Girlfriend and I are watching one of those Travel Channel shows on Vegas that we enjoy every once in a while. 5 second camera pan of a shoe game being dealt to 6 players. Without even thinking in 2 seconds I blurt out, "PLUS THREE!"


"Nothing, ah nothing. Want some more popcorn?"


I've done that more than once... I anticipate the dealer's next card... "PLUS 3!" What? "Nothing, here's s toke, mum's the word." zg

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member

I have taught my wife how to play and she knows the Hi Low but she can't get passed making bets bigger than her usual 25 cents on the slots! ;> She is so sweet. No indices yet.


Active Member

My wife knows everything about Advantage BJ, RC, TC, Wonging, bankroll, Kelly, CE, all the terminology. And yet she refuses to play BJ. She loves slots, especially the late 5 cents machines.
Last trip to Vegas, I bought 2 sets of CP coupons. We played a few hands at Strat then when headed downtown at the Plaza (CP has 4 $25 matchplay at Plaza), she refused to play the coupons, she said she felt sorry for the casino since that day when we were there (wednesday afternoon), the place was very light, not many gamblers. I ended up throwing her coupons away :)

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: Mine

What a shame! ;> Last times I was in LV prior to getting married I had my lady friends give me their fun book coupies since they were slot players. My wife is a slot player as well, sticking to quarter slots and playing single coin in. She understands some of the terms, but really is not interested in bj so much as the checks that come in the mail every week.

I think everyone has their own talents and it helps if you have a second party to help you spot them. I find plenty of people are missing the mark and concentrating on the wrong things in their life and end up saping their true potential. I'm trying to point my wife in the eBay direction where she can make +200% profits selling unique items that we find at real auctions. A real auction can only reach so many interested parties. eBay can reach the entire world.