Perfect strategy


Active Member
Just wondering, what type of advantage would you get if (I understand this is not possible) you could play each hand according to perfect strategy relative to the composition of the deck. I don't know much about them, but I guess this is what those on-body computers did back in seventies. I just wonder what the difference is in "perfect" over a good count like zen. Let's assume single deck 70% or so pen with no spread. How much better would perfect be?


Well-Known Member
It depends on how many decks you are playing against, what your bet spread is and what the penetration is. For most games the betting is the most important thing so perfect play won't add all that much. Snyder's depth charging techniqe uses that concept and doesn't usually give you much of an advantage. According to Griffin the difference in a SD game might be decent but not in many other games. If you can find the 70% game you describe it probably still wouldn't be better than using a 1-2 or 1-3 spread. There are much more profitable things to do with your brainpower at the tables.
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