Pit tracking winnings


Well-Known Member
I'm not clear about the information sharing on players' by-in's and winnings by pit personnel (or even the rolls of the various people in the pit). If there are several stations with a team of floor managers at each within one pit, do they transfer information from one manager or station to the other about a player as he colors up and moves from one section to another? Buying in with less of your chips would seem to deflate the perception of winnings unless they track the information about the previous color up pretty closely or simply consolidate it under "player ABC." on an on-going basis during the session.


Well-Known Member
(1) If you use a player's card, all your buy-ins and cash outs will be recorded along with the information on your player's card.

(2) If you don't use a player's card, the pit can still tell how much they're making by calculating the "hold". Every dollar that gets dropped into the box is known as the "drop" - by subtracting the number of missing chips (each chip is meticulously counted and tracked during the "fill" or replenishing), the pit can calculate how much a player walked away with.

The pit calculates the hold for reasons completely unrelated to card counting - the bigger problem is cheaters, not card counters, and a pit that consistently underperforms is likely being robbed by a crooked dealer.

(3) Cashing out at one table and cashing in at another table for less can be useful. If you're cashing out "valuable" chips (green at some places and black at others), the exact number that you won will be noted. Cashing in for less somewhere else will just reset the counter, so if you win $1,000 from a casino, better to do it in 10 chunks of $100 than 1 chunk of $1,000. You will not, however, be able to hide to the casino that $1,000 has been won.