Play All Multi-Deck Games


Active Member
Assuming usual 2D,4D,6D games(not 8D) is Play All fundamentaly flawed for investigative pre-professional Bankroll?

I understand exited strongly negative TC's in 6D shoes ?
But are you suggesting Wong only on 2D-6D games.
This seems undoable'd be attracting to much heat and never getting any hours in play and worst of all you'd burn yourself out mentally with this cat and mouse routine.

Is it possible to play a solid 20-40 hours(more like 40 hours) a week as a pro?

If you only played hour and a half sessions at each casino for cover 5-6 times a day 5 days a week.. thats 25-30 sessions a week ...You need to play in a town with a dozen casino w/ playable games....The only place you could do it realistically is Las Vegas or you'd have to be a roadplayer constantly moving?/???

My methodology at gambling for a living has always been grinding away at this doable ?


Re: Play All Multi-Deck Games ??

**My responses are embedded -

Assuming usual 2D,4D,6D games(not 8D) is Play All fundamentaly flawed for investigative pre-professional Bankroll?

**Play all at 6-8Ds requires a 1-50 apread, whereas wonging same requires only 1-6 to acheive equivalent EV with less 'pit exposure' and less RoR.

I understand exited strongly negative TC's in 6D shoes ?

**NO, NOT "strongly negative" exit at -1 to -2 TC and go to a fresh shoe.

But are you suggesting Wong only on 2D-6D games.
This seems undoable'd be attracting to much heat and never getting any hours in play and worst of all you'd burn yourself out mentally with this cat and mouse routine.

**On the 2D games, most of which are marginal at best, use reverse wonging frequently, ALSO sit out occaisional -counts - for example, if you are playing 1-6 spread BUT you bypass just 1 out of every 3 of the -counts/hands your effective spread is now 1-9.

Is it possible to play a solid 20-40 hours(more like 40 hours) a week as a pro?

**Absolutely, mobility and planning being key.

If you only played hour and a half sessions at each casino for cover 5-6 times a day 5 days a week.. thats 25-30 sessions a week ...You need to play in a town with a dozen casino w/ playable games....The only place you could do it realistically is Las Vegas or you'd have to be a roadplayer constantly moving?/???

**Yes and yes.

My methodology at gambling for a living has always been grinding away at this doable ?

**Use a higher RoR and less or NO cover at the smallerBR level (barring is less likely and replacement of a ruinedBR is easier)- get to a $25u BR as fast ASAP ($10k+), where the games are less congested and the comps more meaningful - then use more cover and lower RoR. zg

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
my take on your questions

>Assuming usual 2D,4D,6D games(not 8D) is Play All fundamentaly flawed for investigative pre-professional Bankroll?

Play-all is the norm for 2D games. Don't even consider wonging them for other than your entertainment. For 6D-8D games, avoid play all if possible.

>I understand exited strongly negative TC's in 6D shoes ?

Exit even marginally negative shoes. There is great material about correct exit strategies in Blackjack Attack 2nd edition.

>This seems undoable'd be attracting to much heat and never getting any hours in play and worst of all you'd burn yourself out mentally with this cat and mouse routine.

False, it is easy, and you are hardly noticed. I can wong for hours without getting a glance. Why? Small bet spread is the key! A couple of tips. It is ok to start a shoe and leave when the count tanks, as opposed to only playing shoes that you enter mid-way when the count exceeds a target value. Second, only wong at busy casinos during peak hours. You need lots of games, and you need to be able to blend into the crowd. Wonging at a casino with only 2 shoe games at 4AM will get you in big trouble (I speak from first hand experience).

>Is it possible to play a solid 20-40 hours(more like 40 hours) a week as a pro?

What do you count as time? If you factor in transportation time, then if I work from the moment I get up to the moment I go to sleep, MAYBE I can get 8 hours of play in for the day. If you want to "work" 40 hours a week, you may find that you are only playing/wonging 20 of those, and the other 20 are spent scouting/travelling/cashing out, etc.

>If you only played hour and a half sessions at each casino for cover 5-6 times a day 5 days a week.. thats 25-30 sessions a week ...You need to play in a town with a dozen casino w/ playable games....The only place you could do it realistically is Las Vegas or you'd have to be a roadplayer constantly moving?/???


>My methodology at gambling for a living has always been grinding away at this doable ?

You will start out as a counter, but quickly you will find that there are many more ways of bringing in $$$ from casinos, and you will be doing a little of each of them. You will evolve into an advantage player, with many skills, one of which is counting. Get/read "Beyond Counting" by James Grosjean.



What I think

>Assuming usual 2D,4D,6D games(not 8D) is Play All fundamentaly flawed for investigative pre-professional Bankroll?

6D-8D games, wonging is a must.
2D games, wong out on that last round or two before shuffle if count is negative.

>I understand exited strongly negative TC's in 6D shoes ?

Exit even marginally negative shoes. There is great material about correct exit strategies in Blackjack Attack 2nd edition.
(Listen to the Mayor!)

>This seems undoable'd be attracting to much heat and never getting any hours in play and worst of all you'd burn yourself out mentally with this cat and mouse routine.

Sitting at a table for hours and hours, varying your bets with the count, attracts heat.
"never getting any hours in play"? Why do you want to play negative counts? Are you here to play or are you here to make money? Jumping in and out, from table to table, draws less heat, if you have the right act to look like some kind of hyper gambling idiot. Look at slot machine players. Some sit at the same machine for hours and hours, some jump around, up and down aisles, coin here, few coins there.
Table players are the same.

>Is it possible to play a solid 20-40 hours(more like 40 hours) a week as a pro?

Yes, time spent observing play is counted just like time spent actually playing.

>If you only played hour and a half sessions at each casino for cover 5-6 times a day 5 days a week.. thats 25-30 sessions a week ...You need to play in a town with a dozen casino w/ playable games....The only place you could do it realistically is Las Vegas or you'd have to be a roadplayer constantly

True. You were expecting to make a living sitting at the local casino down the road? How long until the casino notices you are not on the official payroll?

>My methodology at gambling for a living has always been grinding away at this doable ?

Maybe, but after grinding away at it long enough, you will figure out easier methods.