Players can agree on when to shuffle


Well-Known Member
I was playing a 6-deck shoe last week and the count had gotten very high, around a TC of 5. However, everyone started to lose. After about 3 losing hands WITH a rising count, someone said "wow maybe we should shuffle."

The Dealer then said, "Oh everyone has to agree for me to shuffle."

So everyone at the table decided they wanted a shuffle except for me because obviously I didn't want the good count shuffled away.

Is this common? I have never heard of this being a rule!


Well-Known Member
Perfect! Let them all sit out the rest of the "lousy" shoe.

Calling for a shuffle is a little unusual but far from unheard of - though obviously it should be done carefully by an AP. The floor will be alerted, and will give a nod.

beating vegas

Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
I was playing a 6-deck shoe last week and the count had gotten very high, around a TC of 5. However, everyone started to lose. After about 3 losing hands WITH a rising count, someone said "wow maybe we should shuffle."

The Dealer then said, "Oh everyone has to agree for me to shuffle."

So everyone at the table decided they wanted a shuffle except for me because obviously I didn't want the good count shuffled away.

Is this common? I have never heard of this being a rule!
if other players are driven you nuts there are some ways to get them off the table the problem it can draw ateneion


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
I was playing a 6-deck shoe last week and the count had gotten very high, around a TC of 5. However, everyone started to lose. After about 3 losing hands WITH a rising count, someone said "wow maybe we should shuffle."

The Dealer then said, "Oh everyone has to agree for me to shuffle."

So everyone at the table decided they wanted a shuffle except for me because obviously I didn't want the good count shuffled away.

Is this common? I have never heard of this being a rule!
One way to keep them dealing is to say, "No! We've had about all the losing hands we can get in a row. You can sit out the rest of the shoe, but I have a feeling I'm due to hit."

That shouldn't draw any unfavorable attention, and if the smucks want to sit it out while you play, all the better. Only problem is, your logic will likely win them over.:laugh: :(

One time it did get so bad that everyone including me called for an early shuffle or we refused to play. The count was something like a million negative :laugh: so the dealer called the pit and we got a new shuffle. It was the worst night I have ever experienced at blackjack, and my introduction into the meaning of negative variance. I lost over $5,000 on a $15 min table! It was also my introduction into the true meaning of "steaming" behavior. It was a night that will always remain burned in my memory. :sad:


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah I wasn't saying that I was worried about the people next to me, it just seems like it could be a useful tool both ways.

Get people to sit out when it's great and convince everyone to shuffle when it's terrible.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
The count had gotten very high, around a TC of 5. However, everyone started to lose. Someone said "Wow maybe we should shuffle."The Dealer then said, "Oh everyone has to agree for me to shuffle." Is this common?
During significantly negative counts, after losing a few in a row you can innocently ask for a "courtesy shuffle", blaming it on a bad run. Ploppies do do this, the dealer asks the floor for approval and it is often accommodated. Just do it sparingly.


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
."That shouldn't draw any unfavorable attention, and if the smucks want to sit it out while you play, all the better. Only problem is, your logic will likely win them over.:laugh: :(

What is a "smuck"? Don't you mean Schmuck? I think a "smuck" is from Texas and a "Schmuck" is from the north east somewhere.


Well-Known Member
tribute said:
What is a "smuck"? Don't you mean Schmuck? I think a "smuck" is from Texas and a "Schmuck" is from the north east somewhere.
OY vey iz mir! So now I need to know to spell in Yiddish! Smuck! Schmuck! It's spelled both ways! They're just a bunch of putzes anyway! You say hanukkah, I say chanukah, someone else says chanukkah. You guys drive me meshugana...or mashugana...or mishugana...whatever! :yikes: :laugh:


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
OY vey iz mir! So now I need to know to spell in Yiddish! Smuck! Schmuck! It's spelled both ways! They're just a bunch of putzes anyway! :
That's new to me, too. (Putzes?)

Down here in the south we even have redneck smucks (putzes). One sat right beside me last week. The pit boss asked him, "Got an I.D.?" The smuck responded, "About whut?"

Sorry, I guess this is wandering off-thread.
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Well-Known Member
tribute said:
That's new to me, too. (Putzes?)

Down here in the south we even have redneck smucks (putzes). One sat right beside me last week. The pit boss asked him, "Got an I.D.?" The smuck responded, "About whut?"

Sorry, I guess this is wandering off-thread.