JJP you say you bet sports for 20 years? Were you a sharp and did well or just did it for fun and lost a bit?
Regarding blackjack, cover plays like you said are a waste. Theyre also expensive especially when trying to build a roll. When first starting out and even later on, you should always just play aggressively and stop being so paranoid. Get the EV in. Split 10s when you have to. Double A9, wong in and out aggressively, etc. People get backed off because their bets are moving with the count and after big wins which result in a tape review. No cover play will save you from a backoff. You might trick a pit boss here or there to stop watching you in the moment, but after any big wins or consistent wins, they will do a tape review and see you moving your money with the count and the inevitable backoff will occur.
If youre not betting at least 2x250 as your max, the words 'cover plays' shouldnt even be whispered out of your mouth. Actually those words should never be mentioned regardless because theyre simply useless for longevity. What you lose in EV by doing cover plays doesnt offset the extended longevity. It's one of the most over rated topics regarding card counting. Youll also be betting small early on in your career, so your session wins wont even make the pit boss flinch, so just pound away. Also, learn to rathole, but don't rathole black chips because they are monitored very closely. Only time you should be ratholing blacks is when there are other black chip bettors at the table so then they won't know who actually has a hold of them. It becomes an art once you get the hang of it. If you buy in for a total by the end of the shoe of say 600 and you have a stack of green of 800 in front of you make sure you color up 500 or so and keep the 8-12 green chips in your pocket. Pit wont be tracking the green and will think you lost 100 for the session when in fact you won 200. That's the idea.
Also if youre gonna play shoe games, you better be backcounting and wonging out aggressively. Lots of people dont have the dedication to backcount, but if you want to play these 6-8 deckers, it's a must and also has the added benefit of shortening N-zero and raising your EV. If you play off the top heads-up on 6-8 deckers, you better be wonging out aggressively at -1 as well. Wonging out at -1 basically doubles your net effective spread. A 1-12 or 1-16 play all spread is sufficient to beat a 6-8 deck game on average, but if wonging out at -1, a 1-12 or 1-16 spread is the same as using a 1-24 or 1-32. That's how powerful wonging out is.
If you dont want to backcount, search out good pen double deck games. Keep in mind wonging out aggressively doesnt work too well with double deck because you will stick out like a sore thumb and those games are watched a lot more closely and lower amounts are also not tolerated that well because double deck is a lot more vulnerable even with lower bets.
Good luck. Read as much as you can, get software and start red chipping to get some practice in. Also get ready for the grind of your life. I recommend getting a job while playing on the side until you have at least 30k liquid to use for blackjack outside of expenses