PLayers Club Cards


Well-Known Member
ratholing--secretly removing chips from the table to give the appearance of less winnings or greater losses




Active Member
How's the Best Way to do it?

I am relatively new and have "rat-holed". I feel very uncomfortable doing it. I feel like a thief. Plus, I know the eye can see everything I'm doing, as well. Sometimes I just hand a few "greenies" to my wife and she puts them away without being too discreet about it.

Should you be non-discreet or just wait until the PC are not watching (and dealer) and just drop them in the shirt pocket? Also, I would think the dealer and pit may easily recall that you had greens or blacks paid out to you and it would be best to rat-hole this true? Rather than take a black or a couple of green off the table, I usually grab a handful of red and put them in my pocket.

When I do rat-hole, I never cash all the chips at the cage. I cash only what I left the table with at the end, is this a good procedure?


Well-Known Member
people win all the time relax-do not rat

The best way is not to rat hole,if they know then for sure
you will be tagged a counter-and then the paranoia will set
in for them.
There is nothing wrong with winning it happens to
bad players all the time, so relax. Casinos/eye in the sky are not
stupid,they constantly add up the rack and know totals and
how much each has as that is their job. Oh sure the odd casino
is not on the ball but most are.

Stealth Bomber

Well-Known Member
Re: How's the Best Way to do it?

When I do rat-hole...

When all PC's are preoccupied with other things. As for the E in the sky; do it also when they would most likely be preoccupied with something happening on the opposite side of the table. Or during the shuffle period.

If you play with your chips a lot with both hands, it makes it easier to make a couple of green disappear now and then. But be discreet. If they catch you and make some sort of joke about you hiding your green or black chips, joke back. Tell them some kind of stupid ploppy nonsense about some superstition you have or make something up about how your wife says you have to always put one green and one black in your pocket for good luck.

If you ever run out of chips on the table, don't go for the ones in your pocket. Pull out some paper and buy yourself some new chips. Let them see money going in their direction.


Well-Known Member
Re: people win all the time relax-do not rat


What you are saying in my opinion is right on for most Vegas casinos but in a couple of Indian casinos that I know of, ratholing is easy and normal and the the eye would be throwing everyone on a positive streak out. What I see is that every ploppy who is in a positive flux throws chips in their pockets (they land up bringing them out later) Also, and very important, the dealers are lax at coloring up players. People leave tables with pockets full of chips all the time, generally just heading to the next table. The pit may come over and ask the dealer what someone left with but there is no way that the dealer can be accurate.
As long as I see others ratholing, I do so. Since I play 25-250 I generally only hide green because during a good run I might have loads of green with only a countable number of black or purple. If the eye in the sky is already alerted and evaluating you, I agree this could be another point against you, but in a crowded casino doing what a bunch of other ploppies are doing seems like fitting in to me.

In the same places purple is always announced and black often announced, so hiding them is useless.
Re: people win all the time relax-do not rat

Sounds exactly like the way it is in CT. Do you play in CT Vic?

Never rathole black. Those are the ones they really keep track of. If you are playing a $25 game you can rathole enough in green to hide your winnings. Also, in CT the casinos are really friendly with the IRS and there are cases of players having to provide their SS numbers if they win too much. That is just as big a reason to rathole than avoiding detection as a counter. There are limits to what the pit can do to you; the same is not true for the IRS.


Well-Known Member
Re: people win all the time relax-do not rat

Sorry, even though I am a Bronx girl, live in California.
It just is kind of logical. If everyone on the table is playing green the dealers will announce when converting to black, changing a stack of green to black or purple, or when a green chip better suddenly is playing some black. The result, the pit is alerted to black and purple movement and not green.



Well-Known Member
Re: people win all the time relax-do not rat

Even if you get caught filching chips, there's no guarantee you'll be pegged as a counter. I've seen many a ploppy secret chips away so as not to lose EVERYTHING. If you get caught, just remark that the chips are just "insurance so that my husband/wife doesn't kill me" and you'll color them up when you're done. There are ploppyisms for most every situation.




Well-Known Member
Do not forget

Also do not forget to practice speaking ploppyish at the table.
Speak of the flow, who cut the shoe, too many doubles and splits on a hand, etc etc. When doing the unploppy such as doubling A7, splitting 9's and such, if asked to explain then in your best ploppyish tell them you thought the flow needed changing. Right or wrong, at least you tried your best because as every ploppy knows from birth, blackjack is very much a team sport.

As in a foreign land, if you speak the language you will be better accepted by the natives and enjoy your stay more. No passports or visas required to visit ploppy land, but club card may be requested.
Victoria stranger amongst the natives.