playing 1 hand vs 7 ?

my blackjack blue book by Fred Renzy says if playing heads up always stick with one hand.
if by more than 1 player by youself spread to two hands.

suppose your at a table with 6 others and these 6 are your team. would the return to the team bankroll would be lesser oppose to dividing the team 1 by 1 putting them each heads up?

and would it be higher swings with less return or lower swings with same return?

any sims or experience would help answer my post


Well-Known Member
If you bet optimally, or close to it, then you will make less money all playing at the same table and your variance (swings) will be greater.

In this thread
Don showed the correct percentages to bet for playing different numbers of spots against the same bankroll. For 7 spots, it's 31% of your normal single spot bet. So each of you will be betting this reduced 31% of the optimal single spot bet. But because your total bet will be larger than the single spot bet and because of covariance, your total variance will be greater than the single spot variance.

However, if you all play at separate tables, there is no covariance. You can each bet the full Kelly amount, which means you will win more, and your variance will be lower because it will be equal to the single spot variance. It's a win-win.

Be warned however. If you all make the optimal single spot bet while playing at the same table, your RoR will go through the roof and your will almost certainly go broke.
so your edge is still there with the team its just weakened?

atlantic city or PA state games always that couple that plops down next to ya and they love to play 2 or more hands. especially in the A.M hours not sure how people find heads up games maybe vegas since its so vast but here on the east coast its ruff

so i need a higher spread? from 1-10 to 1-20 playing at full table to squeeze out that 1 or higher percent edge? my cvcx doesn't have anything higher than 4 players which i think is stupid since most tables are semi full or full house


Well-Known Member
Stevel96a1 said:
so your edge is still there with the team its just weakened?

atlantic city or PA state games always that couple that plops down next to ya and they love to play 2 or more hands. especially in the A.M hours not sure how people find heads up games maybe vegas since its so vast but here on the east coast its ruff

so i need a higher spread? from 1-10 to 1-20 playing at full table to squeeze out that 1 or higher percent edge? my cvcx doesn't have anything higher than 4 players which i think is stupid since most tables are semi full or full house
If you want to be an AP, playing at a full table is a useless exercise.



Well-Known Member
Stevel96a1 said:
so your edge is still there with the team its just weakened?
Weakened substantially. Even if they can't get heads up conditions, just spreading your team among different tables is a huge improvement.
Stevel96a1 said:
my cvcx doesn't have anything higher than 4 players
Run the sim using CVdata and then have it call CVCX.
Stevel96a1 said:
atlantic city or PA state games always that couple that plops down next to ya and they love to play 2 or more hands. especially in the A.M hours not sure how people find heads up games
Gronberg isn't saying that each member play heads up; only that each member play at separate table.