If you can get away with it
My minimum bet is most often $50 but the table I play on will often depend on the conditions available at the moment to me.
There will be times in a casino where the best penetration is offered on a $10 table while the pen given by the dealer on a $25 table is terrible. Combining that with the rare possibility that the $10 table has no other or very few other players, it is the place to play.
This situation has brought to me times where my spread might be 50-1 but I know that even a fantastic act will not let you spread like that, so my exit comes shortly after. I have had a few shoes where I may have begun it at $25, gone down to $10 as the count went down early and then as it rose just continuously upped it to about $500.
This does not really answer your question about limiting a loss. Wonging out would definately limit your downside, but the real question should be, am I playing a winning game? If your max bet is $30 sitting at shoe game with a $10 minimum you are not playing a winning game at all but at a $5 table yes, you will lose less over time but again your game is not a winning game. So, if your bankroll can afford it you should raise your max bet but if you can not afford to do this then wonging in at +2 should become your goal till at least your bankroll grows.