Plaza Double Deck Death!


Well-Known Member
Plaza has changed their table rules either today or yesterday (01/11/2006).

It seemed like it would last forever. DD, DAS, DOA, 3:2. That's the way it was. $5 to $2000 table stakes.

Now, you can only split Aces one time. You cannot double after splitting! $5 to $500 but they still pay 3:2. Thank God for small favors. DOA.

Iceing on the cake...Las Vegas Club is changing to the same rules starting 01/12/2006.

This just sucks folks!


Well-Known Member
That really sux.
After reading about The Plaza on this and other forums,i booked a room there for two nights in Feb.I'll still stay there,as its the only hotel I could find that takes 2-1 room coupons on weekends. I enjoyed playing at THe Vegas club the last few trips.
Unless I'm mistaken,both those propeties were owned by Jackie Guaghlin(Sp?) until recently. Say what you may about his casinos,but he believed in giving value for your $$$$.


Well-Known Member
newyorkbear said:
That really sux.
After reading about The Plaza on this and other forums,i booked a room there for two nights in Feb.I'll still stay there,as its the only hotel I could find that takes 2-1 room coupons on weekends. I enjoyed playing at THe Vegas club the last few trips.
Unless I'm mistaken,both those propeties were owned by Jackie Guaghlin(Sp?) until recently. Say what you may about his casinos,but he believed in giving value for your $$$$.
They are not owned by Guaghlin. They are "officially" a Barrick casino (both the LVC and Plaza along with Golden Spike and I think Western).

However, the silent pardner (I forget the name) took a more active role in management because of the lack of profit Barrick was achieving. I'm not sure if there has been another sale of the properties, but the Pit Crew said the new owners had changed the rules because of a loss of $23,000,00. Now remember, that's coming from the pit crew so I don't know how much faith to put in it. I checked at LVC this morning just before 11am and they had not changed their rules yet.

The split and double rules only add .14% or so to the house so Plaza, even with the bad rules are still at somewhere around .28%. LVC, because they hit soft 17's is still in the .30%'s. It's not the end of the world, but it is the end of the best table rules I've encountered.


You forgot an important data...

- hit/stand s17?

The new owner is Tamares, an ultra-right int'l arms dealer. This game is still playable if the pene and s17 remains. What about the Vegas Club? zg


Well-Known Member
They are Barrick properties now,but didn't Jackie G. just recently sell them? I know he sold The Gold Spike and The Westen.
On my first trip in Sept 2001,while stayingat El Cortez,I attended Jackies birthday party. It was quite a thrill,even though at that pont I had no idea who he was.


Well-Known Member

Plaza still stands on soft 17. As of Jan 12, LVC had not changed their rules. LVC hits s-17 but allows double after split. Pen at Plaza is determined by a notch in the discard tray and is set at 60 to 80%. Depends on the dealer which edge of the notch is used. I know the dealers at whose tables I play and they nearly always give the higher pen to me at Plaza. I don't play a lot at LVC. Can't remember the pen over there but I'll check it out today. Heading down to the war-zone today (El Cortez).

I stopped over at Golden Gate yesterday and played about a half dozen hands. When they shuffled, I noticed that they were cutting the 6-deck shoe at LESS than 50%! I colored up so fast that the colors blurred!

Played a little single deck at 4-queens. They shuffled after only a couple of rounds.

I tell you the truth, even with the rule changes at Plaza, it's still unfortunately the best game I've found with low table minimums.


Thanks. The LVC 2D game has superior pene... BUT its much-much easier to get barred at LVD and that will compromise you at Plaza. The ElCortez is best at grave and worst on swing. The Gold Spike has a good 2D game but crowded. And the Western is worthwhile as well.

OH, forgot to ask - is one of the Plaza 2D tables still offering Royal20s side-bet? It was a table in the front pit across from the main bar?

Here are some other low-min games worth traveling to -

Slots-o-Fun 2D: s17 w/DAS + Lucky Ladies side-bet.
Terribles 2D&6D: h17 w/DAS + Lucky Ladies.

Any questions about R20s and LLadies, start a new thread. zg


Active Member
BJ Insider Article

Do you think that the article in Dec 2005 BJ Insider that listed the top 5 games in Las Vegas that had the Plaza and Las Vegas Club listed as the top 2 games had anything to do with this ?


Well-Known Member
Joep said:
Do you think that the article in Dec 2005 BJ Insider that listed the top 5 games in Las Vegas that had the Plaza and Las Vegas Club listed as the top 2 games had anything to do with this ?
I don't know Joe. Couldn't have helped! There's been so much word of mouth advertising for Plaza over the years that I'm surprised that it lasted as long as it did.

El Cortez has opened double-deck with the same rules as their single-deck. No double after split and resplit aces only once. As we were leaving this morning, I thought the security guards were chasing me. Hell, I left enough on their tables that I couldn't imagine what they'd be wanting me for! Turned out to be some bum who pulled something inside the casino and they were trying to chase him away. They weren't trying too hard to catch him but definitely didn't want him in the hotel! My wife had to come back to the hotel and change clothes after that!


Well-Known Member
ZG asked about pen at LVC. It's good. 70 to 80% using the notch in the discard stacker. Double deck $5 to $500 h-17 DAS resplit aces dealt from a shoe face up. When I was heads up, I could win but as soon as someone else sat down, I couldn't match the dealer. Count just wouldn't cooperate.