Ploppy players and the dealers that encourage them


Well-Known Member
so there I am last night playing blackjack at an A.C. casino..there's 4 people at the table (myself, a friend of mine, and 2 guys I don't know) I was sitting at 1st base and my friend to my left, the other 2 at "shortstop" and 3rd. It's a fresh shoe and the first hand i have a hard 16, dealer is showing a 7. I hit and get a 10..guy at 3rd base shakes his head and lets loose a loud sigh. My friend has 6, pulls a 7 and hits-gets a king...guy at 3rd sighs again. guy next to him stands on a 20 and M.r 3rd base stands on a 17.. dealer shows a 3..pulls a 5 for 15 then a 6 for 21..."shortstop" and 3b are pissed and told me if I and my friend would've never hit our hands that the dealer would've only gotten 17 and he would've pushed and the guy would've nods

I don't say anything

Several hands later--my friend gets a natural vs. dealer A...he doesnt buy insurance..."shortstop" says "you're not going to take even money? that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard..its guaranteed money" nods (by the way my friend WAS NOT counting and neither was I)..

a ton of hands later---the shoe has gone WAY south, I'm pretty down and have lost many hands in a row..I decide to sit out...3rd baseman gets pissed starts shaking his head and sighing over and over deals himself a blackjack "If you're going to ****ing play, you should ****ing stay in the game and not puss out" says captain awesome at 3rd base.. "what if i decided I wanted to play 3 hands and i cut my friend a blackjack and you got a 12 and busted or something?" i said "it doesn't matter what I do because there's an equal chance it could've helped you or hurt you". Dealer disagrees verbally saying "but you've hurt him more times than you helped him"...

I was so pissed at that point I felt like cashing in a $2.50 chip and tipping the dealer a quarter and giving that guy a quarter and saying "there, now I've helped you both"

sorry I know there's tons of stories here about this same type of stuff but this one particularly jarred me as I was not making any basic strategy mistakes and I also got scoffs for leaving because I wanted to wasn't "holding out for the rest of the shoe"

I've never been anywhere else before other than Atlantic City so I was curious if everyone is this hostile at all the tables at places like Vegas, etc..


Well-Known Member
beat320;55308so I was curious if everyone is this hostile at all the tables at places like Vegas said:
Expect it anywhere.

Stay the course. You know you know what ur doing.

Never, ever, give them a quarter.

The more pissed they get, the happier I am since it becomes even easier to get them even more pissed.

I tend to throw 'em a fastball down the middle. Metaphorically speaking :)

But most people are OK.
beat320 said:
so there I am last night playing blackjack at an A.C. casino..there's 4 people at the table (myself, a friend of mine, and 2 guys I don't know) I was sitting at 1st base and my friend to my left, the other 2 at "shortstop" and 3rd. It's a fresh shoe and the first hand i have a hard 16, dealer is showing a 7. I hit and get a 10..guy at 3rd base shakes his head and lets loose a loud sigh. My friend has 6, pulls a 7 and hits-gets a king...guy at 3rd sighs again. guy next to him stands on a 20 and M.r 3rd base stands on a 17.. dealer shows a 3..pulls a 5 for 15 then a 6 for 21..."shortstop" and 3b are pissed and told me if I and my friend would've never hit our hands that the dealer would've only gotten 17 and he would've pushed and the guy would've nods

I don't say anything

Several hands later--my friend gets a natural vs. dealer A...he doesnt buy insurance..."shortstop" says "you're not going to take even money? that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard..its guaranteed money" nods (by the way my friend WAS NOT counting and neither was I)..

a ton of hands later---the shoe has gone WAY south, I'm pretty down and have lost many hands in a row..I decide to sit out...3rd baseman gets pissed starts shaking his head and sighing over and over deals himself a blackjack "If you're going to ****ing play, you should ****ing stay in the game and not puss out" says captain awesome at 3rd base.. "what if i decided I wanted to play 3 hands and i cut my friend a blackjack and you got a 12 and busted or something?" i said "it doesn't matter what I do because there's an equal chance it could've helped you or hurt you". Dealer disagrees verbally saying "but you've hurt him more times than you helped him"...

I was so pissed at that point I felt like cashing in a $2.50 chip and tipping the dealer a quarter and giving that guy a quarter and saying "there, now I've helped you both"

sorry I know there's tons of stories here about this same type of stuff but this one particularly jarred me as I was not making any basic strategy mistakes and I also got scoffs for leaving because I wanted to wasn't "holding out for the rest of the shoe"

I've never been anywhere else before other than Atlantic City so I was curious if everyone is this hostile at all the tables at places like Vegas, etc..
this is extremely common, which is very sad.. you were right in what you said, but next time, ask them where they get their information from, and when they say from playing, ask them, "oh, so then your selective memory based on nothing is the way to go?" then be like "ya, from your mood, it appears you win all the time! oh wait let me guess, you WOULD win all the time but people like me get in the way right? then why dont you go play at a table by yourself and win $1000s? go read a book, you have absolutely no idea what your talking about"


Well-Known Member
beat320 said:
I was so pissed at that point I felt like cashing in a $2.50 chip and tipping the dealer a quarter and giving that guy a quarter and saying "there, now I've helped you both"

I've never been anywhere else before other than Atlantic City so I was curious if everyone is this hostile at all the tables at places like Vegas, etc..
I would have hoped to had some loose change in my pocket to toss at the guy too...basically tell him to blow himself. You've just gotta love those "re-analyze the hand" guys who have that knack to link this hand to the one played three hands ago :p

And yes, those people are out there at most joints that I've ever been to. But to keep it positive, those are the guys that pay the bills...and it's their money we're out to get!

good luck & blow off the windbags


Well-Known Member
I did the re-analyze thing

ChefJJ said:
I would have hoped to had some loose change in my pocket to toss at the guy too...basically tell him to blow himself. You've just gotta love those "re-analyze the hand" guys who have that knack to link this hand to the one played three hands ago :p

And yes, those people are out there at most joints that I've ever been to. But to keep it positive, those are the guys that pay the bills...and it's their money we're out to get!

good luck & blow off the windbags
This is something I have landed up doing several times but recently I split 9's and the result of the hand was the dealer pulling a 5 card 21 and a ton of bitching by some know it all on the other side of the table. After he is done informing me that I messed up the shoe, he is dealt a blackjack on the next hand. My only comment is, "your welcome". Only person who got my bit of sarcasim was the dealer, went over everyone elses head.



Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Freemont Street the best.
My only outing on Fremont was a Saturday night, and that time... everyone was drunk. Although there was one pretty sharp BS player at my table that even helped with a really complicated payout mistake by the break-in dealer, so I suppose he brought up the average some.