ploppy sp21


Well-Known Member
I took the plunge the other day more for camo than for profit. What an experience, I thought regular blackjack had it's ploppies but hey we should start a site for reporting ploppy conditions at casinos. I just played using my modified count and played a couple shoes with moderate sucess. The plays I say people make were jaw dropping to say the least. I must have had dealer call out my play a half dozen times which was something they do at the regular bj with really dumb plays. I had to recheck myself when it started to happen more than once. Is this a common thing when anyone else plays sp21 or was it just me. blackchipjim


One thing I noticed that everyone you has posted has said they had success. How can that be ? We must have a lot of people with an IQ of 190 on this board. Pretty soon the game will be dead to many smart people. Just wondering of all the people who have tried it who has gotten their ass handed to them ?


Well-Known Member
My first Sp21 session, I won $2K in 2 shoes. Next time, I broke even. Last time, I lost about $200. The last session was going well until I lost a few big bets in a high count (2 doubles, both 20, and dealer pulled a 4 card 21 - ouch!)
InPlay said:
One thing I noticed that everyone you has posted has said they had success. How can that be ? We must have a lot of people with an IQ of 190 on this board. Pretty soon the game will be dead to many smart people. Just wondering of all the people who have tried it who has gotten their ass handed to them ?
Everyone hasn't posted stories of success. But the SD is much lower than for BJ so the typical part-time player who is always playing at the edge of his bankroll is going to have more successful sessions, and fewer painful ones, for a comparable EV.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Everyone hasn't posted stories of success. But the SD is much lower than for BJ so the typical part-time player who is always playing at the edge of his bankroll is going to have more successful sessions, and fewer painful ones, for a comparable EV.
I didn't know the SD was lower. How much lower?


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
It depends on spread, hands played at a time and Wong-out, but I'm getting 20-50% lower compared to an AC game. That's significant.
Damn. I might have to buy this book...


Mohegan Sun Rules for Spanish 21

I've read the recent Spanish 21 posts with interest and I'm planning a trip to Mohegan Sun in June. Does anybody know the house rules for the game at Mohegan Sun in Ct. A relatively recent CBJN suggests there is a .42 house edge and I'd like to get the right BS.


Well-Known Member
Ploppy said:
Does anybody know the house rules for the game at Mohegan Sun in Ct. ..
No first hand knowledge but I think I read they do not allow you to draw to split Aces.

If so that's extremely unfavorable adding about .3% to the HA.

If so, I think you hit A,A vs A.