Positive EV with flat bet

Playing around with sims, I calculated that if you are playing a liberal ruled SD game (-0.14% EV for BS) and use Hi-Opt II with full indexes and a flat bet, you will raise the EV to about +0.10%. Certainly not the kind of EV you want, but I can think of some uses for the technique... decoy, card-eating, comps, etc. Did I do my sim right?


Active Member
I'm used to spreading wildly at shoes. What kind of spread can one get away with at single deck? Seems like even a 1-3 spread would increase your EV significantly and get barely a nod from the pit. It also seems like people generally use 1-8 at double deck. Is this correct? I'm considering expanding my horizons.


wong out

Well-Known Member
What kind of spread you can get away with? Depends on many factors such as your bet level; amount of high play in casino, casino crowds; their tolerance etc. I mostly play shoe games but when I visit a locale where I wont be back for a while I have no prob spreading hand helds pretty aggresively. If the place is somewhere that you want to milk over time then kind of feel them out to see what they will accept. Sorry I cant be more specific but there are too many factors to know what kind of spread you can get away with. There are some cover advantages possible to using a wide spread at hand helds if you can make it look natural....

wong out