Positve counts advice needed


okay... I have been doing well with card counting but am not sure if I am betting correctly and at what counts. I am paying attention to true count as well but I am doing fine jut keeping a regular Hi-Lo count.

My question is to understand when you are coming off your base bet amount and to what extent.

I have been basically going 2X base at +2 or +3
3X base at +4 or 5+
and so on until 5X base at +8 or more

what do you think


Well-Known Member
Jdesey said:
okay... I have been doing well with card counting but am not sure if I am betting correctly and at what counts. I am paying attention to true count as well but I am doing fine jut keeping a regular Hi-Lo count.

My question is to understand when you are coming off your base bet amount and to what extent.

I have been basically going 2X base at +2 or +3
3X base at +4 or 5+
and so on until 5X base at +8 or more

what do you think
Sounds close. Should work. Maybe a little conservative but that's the way i am too. The others may be able to furnish a chart for you.

I look for tables where the buy in is low. Like:

A. $5.00 minimum. I count the five bucks as either a neutral bet (lowest loss expected) or a unit of one.

B. In others I min bid five bucks but use $25.00 as a unit. After that my betting units increase about the same as yours does. Seems to work well enough.

C. I start out using "A" above however when the profits swing good my way i graduate to "B" still betting five bucks in neutral settings but playing as much as five units ($125.00) in positive situations. Always allowing for enough bread to split four times and still have hald my bankroll.


Well-Known Member
The best bet spread will depend on the game (number of decks, rules, penetration, etc.), but I can give some general advice without knowing that:

Jdesey said:
I have been basically going 2X base at +2 or +3
3X base at +4 or 5+
and so on until 5X base at +8 or more
I think waiting for a true count of +8 is going to hurt you. A TC that high will not happen very often so your max bets will not be making much money. Your max bet should be closer to +4 or +5. Here are some generic bet spreads for different games:

<+2 = 1 unit
+2 = 2 units
+3 = 4 units
>+3 = 6 units

<0 = 0 units (Don’t play)
0,+1 = 1 unit
+2 = 2 units
+3 = 4 units
+4 = 8 units
>+4 = 16 units (or two hands of 8 units)

<+2 = 0 units (Don’t play)
+2 = 2 units
+3 = 4 units
+4 = 6 units
>+4 = 8 units

Those are pretty generic but it will give you an idea of how other players ramp their bets.



Well-Known Member
21forme said:
You'd spread greater for 6D than 8D? :eek:
Only because the Wonging is less aggressive. In the 8D game the player is Wonging in/out at +2. For the 6D game he is only Wonging out at -1. If it were me I would probably play it differently, but I just wanted to give some generic advice and show a few different examples.



Well-Known Member
Jdesey said:
what do you think
Here's my fastball down the middle lol.

I think I wonder why you are betting anything when you are unsure of the effect of what you are betting and when in whatever games you play and how you play them with whatever bankroll you're playing with.

I wonder even more why you ask such a question without saying what game you play or with what bankroll and also wonder how you would go about deciding which stranger's advice to accept.

I think, the more so since you say you have been doing well so far, it's time to re-invest some of your profits in a sim so that you can answer with near certainty every question you will ever have for the rest of your life on the effect of betting what when with what bankroll in what game 2with what rules, etc.

In other words, buy a sim and answer your own questions. It's hard for me to imagine how the answers you get won't pay for the sim many times over.

Pretty much my standard advice lol.

Not that I have the slightest reason to believe anyone has actually followed it lol.