power of ignorance


Well-Known Member
life is full of lessons, no?
and maybe having learned a lesson or not maybe one thinks one knows something or not.
and maybe one does and maybe one doesn't.
me i always remember my elementary teacher trying her darnedest to teach me maths.
where she lays down the fundamental steps to solve a simple problem that most any numb skull could do in their head.
of course being a proficient numb skull
i'd do the problem in my head instead of on paper the way she demonstrated and demanded.
thus failing to learn successful methods handed down by generations of painstaking academics and ingenious thinkers, all the while me smugly thinking that i could do in my head what these so called smart ass's need devices to determine.
of course i failed to realize that life is full of complex mind boggling problems and questions that require considerably more brain power than even the most proficient numb skull could muster maybe even with the advantage of using devices.
so but on this same sort of note now i've been trying to teach something that is about as ignorant as a pile of rocks (a computer) to play blackjack, the activity of which is for a proficient numb skull such as myself so very simple and mindless.
thousands and thousands of lines of code and the thing still isn't getting it, lol.
an me i wonder whose fault is that, lmao.
amazing how truly mind boggling complex what appears to be so simple can be.
so but anyway i remain convinced there is power in ignorance cause at least there is a potential to learn something, lol.
the cliche word so fondly tossed about heuristics maybe has a good reason for being cliche, in that there is power in short cuts even as ignorant as they may be in their essence.
that being said i know there is a cautionary note to be concerned about when acting in ignorance with shaky heuristics as i believe ExhibitCAA's OCP guessing problem proves http://www.blackjackinfo.com/bb/showthread.php?t=15314


Well-Known Member
relativity speak

So wise frog is there such relativity in all thought processes or is it just in math process. If all processes were simple then brainstorming would not be used. It is in the process of thought that ideas that were once thought ignorant to academia were uncovered and a more resolout examination occured. Ignorance is bliss but the process that you were taught in school led you to believe that math is a constant which I subscribe to myself. Did it lead you to think though that it was the only way to do it?


Well-Known Member
it's a complicated world, lol

blackchipjim said:
So wise frog is there such relativity in all thought processes or is it just in math process. If all processes were simple then brainstorming would not be used. It is in the process of thought that ideas that were once thought ignorant to academia were uncovered and a more resolout examination occured. Ignorance is bliss but the process that you were taught in school led you to believe that math is a constant which I subscribe to myself. Did it lead you to think though that it was the only way to do it?
heh, heh the honest answer is......... i don't know.:)

that said, i'd say i don't think the stuff we learned in school should lead us to believe that for instance, math or other academia is the only way to do stuff, in fact quite the contrary i should suspect.

and that said, just maybe it wouldn't hurt to have one heck of a healthy respect for math, albeit maybe that while having a healthy dose of skepticism with respect to using the tool and understanding just what the heck it is we are doing with it, sorta thing.:confused::whip:

ultimately, though wouldn't the whole point have us enjoying life and the fruits there of while we do engage our selves in the use of those tools to what ever degree required for out satisfaction and the goals that we have layed out, sort of thing?


Well-Known Member
Ideas doused

I would guess the question I was looking to pose to you was that if a question of math involved an unknown and I do mean an unkown does it effect the outcome? When a solution to a problem is sought all factors are thought of and then the formula is used to arrive at the conclusion. Are we held back to think of just the apparent factors or are there unknowns yet to be uncovered that effect the outcome?


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
I would guess the question I was looking to pose to you was that if a question of math involved an unknown and I do mean an unkown does it effect the outcome? When a solution to a problem is sought all factors are thought of and then the formula is used to arrive at the conclusion. Are we held back to think of just the apparent factors or are there unknowns yet to be uncovered that effect the outcome?
again best answer, i don't know, lol.

just would say on the unknown stuff for maths, Taleb in The Black Swan discusses essentially two realms. the ludic realm (inside the walls of casinos)
and the realm of the black swan (the world outside of casino walls).
the ludic realm is very simple and amenable to maths, the other realm is very capricious and complex, sometimes appearing to be amenable to maths but then because of truly unknown stuff there arise unknown, unexpected factors that are off the scale for maths.


Well-Known Member

The saying goes "only a fool or the ignorant have no fear of danger" and so this statement is an axiom of dangerous acts. Inside the casino we think by the book most if not all of the time. Outside the casino we like to ponder the yet unkown factors that we may yet not know. Betting anti-count is taboo which can get you shunned from the ap community. Has this been simmed as to a strategy that may indeed be advantageous to the counter. Ignorance is the lack of knowledge,stupid is knowing what is correct but doing the contrary.


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
..... Ignorance is the lack of knowledge,stupid is knowing what is correct but doing the contrary.
i guess so, ok, we have probability where there is some form of knowledge (EV) where the short term is uncertain at best, expectation being 'mired' by various degrees of standard deviation and the long term where our expectation becomes realized amongst the cumulative presentations of standard deviation that tend to cancel one another out and expectation that tends to add up.


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
The saying goes "only a fool or the ignorant have no fear of danger" and so this statement is an axiom of dangerous acts. Inside the casino we think by the book most if not all of the time. Outside the casino we like to ponder the yet unkown factors that we may yet not know. Betting anti-count is taboo which can get you shunned from the ap community. Has this been simmed as to a strategy that may indeed be advantageous to the counter. Ignorance is the lack of knowledge,stupid is knowing what is correct but doing the contrary.
something more on this, consider what this guy says: