Pro Blackjack Players


Well-Known Member
There are very few full-time blackjack players. The few that exist don't spend much time posting on websites for various reasons. Most of the players here are part-time players. We use blackjack to suppliment our regular income or to make a little extra cash on the side.



Active Member
Sonny said:
There are very few full-time blackjack players. The few that exist don't spend much time posting on websites for various reasons. Most of the players here are part-time players. We use blackjack to suppliment our regular income or to make a little extra cash on the side.


thats what i do.


Active Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
Does anyone on this forum actually play Blackjack professionally as a job?

Yes, but only part-time. That is, I don't play 40 hours a week, or even 50 weeks a year. The rest of the time I spend handicapping thoroughbred, harness, and greyhound races.

Diversification is as good a business strategy in blackjack as in any other type of enterprise--it evens out the rough spots. Earning a profit from one kind of gambling is just like earning a profit from another kind of gambling--it is ALL good.

The quickest way to distinguish the amateur from the professional blackjack player is to ask them what they think about Texas Hold'em. If the response is, "EEEwwwww, I only play blackjack," you can pretty well tell you have found an amateur who plays blackjack primarily as a hobby, rather than as a profit-making endeavor. Conversely, you are as likely to find professional blackjack players shooting craps, playing baccarat, or handicapping horse races as sitting at the blackjack tables.

Why? Because the successful, professional blackjack players are the ones who understand that the easiest way to get barred is to ONLY play blackjack. The best have perfected the "high roller" persona that enables them to be welcomed with open arms in every casino, to win large sums playing blackjack, and to leave the blackjack tables with stacks of chips while smiling pit bosses look on benevolently.

Think about it. Baccarat is close to even. So are craps. In a half hour of furious betting (done competently, of course), a player should still be even, or too close to worry about. That player has also created a persona that violates the expectations of almost every pit boss looking for counters.

Conversely, try "wonging it" in an Australian casino and see how long you last. Or in most Vegas casinos, for that matter.
;) Good Luck


Active Member
Sonny said:
There are very few full-time blackjack players. The few that exist don't spend much time posting on websites for various reasons. Most of the players here are part-time players. We use blackjack to suppliment our regular income or to make a little extra cash on the side.

I agree that there are "very few full-time blackjack players." Full-time implies a 40 hour a week, 50 week a year job.

There are, however, probably more people than most are aware of who earn their primary incomes from playing blackjack. The proliferation of casinos has provided opportunities for professional players and professional teams that didn't exist 10-15 years ago.

Granted, the rules in many of the casinos are not as favorable as in Vegas. However, the lack of heat, inexperienced dealers and pit bosses, and general ambiance more than compensate for any "mathematical deficiencies" in the games available. Don't underestimate the opportunities available for a competent blackjack player; they are out there, and they are abundant.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Tried it for a few months

Over 20 years ago, I played for 3 months straight, was up but did not like the life.
Still I played over 550 hours last year, which is a lot of hours for a recreational player.



Well-Known Member
I have been using blackjack as my primary source of income for about 10 years now. Although recently investments that I have made with my blackjack revenue are now very close to matching my gaming income. Its not a life for everyone but I must say I do not need to play 40 hours a week nor 50 weeks a year to achieve a comfortable and profitable lifestyle. On average I spend 80 hours a month in the casino. I do play with a team and we do use other techniques such as shuffletracking, cut card placement and some card sequencing along with hi lo counting. We've done extremely well, and I do like what I do, but to be honest I'm really looking foward to just playing the game on a recreational level. Hopefully at the rate we're going it should be less than 2 years when I will have the option to stop playing full time. Good Luck to all who play this game.