Putting up with other people at the table...


Well-Known Member
Wow... you just can't make a play that deviates from Basic Strategy based on the true count without someone saying something. Another person telling me you don't know what's coming next... anything can happen. Okay... I agree to a point... you can narrow down to a percentage that you'll get a 10 value card vs other based on the true count... in the long run you should prevail. So now the count TC (-2) is negative enough in which I hit a 13 vs 2.. -1 is in the index for this hand for HiOPT II. So then the guy gets pissed... and I'm messing up the cards. Sure enough I drew 10 lol... but the dealer had a 6 under and drew a 9. So either way we all lost. I told him see... it didn't matter... but then his comeback (and this has become a cliche in blackjack among amateurs) was that it affects what's coming next... you gotta think what's next. Obviously a streak player. Then I told him... you just said that it doesn't matter, nobody knows what's coming next... see... your own words I'm using against you now. So he gets pissed and splits a pair of 5's just to mess up my hand (he said this)... well he lost on the split and I pushed so big deal. Didn't matter to me what he did or does. He grumbles and colors up then leaves. Then the dealer is telling me to think positive... lol! Yeah... like I can will the cards to change to whatever I want. If I could do that, I wouldn't be in a casino that's for sure. I'd be doing greater things for the world if possible. I base my thoughts on probabilities not whims, wishes, attitude or hocus-pocus. The casinos don't base their revenues on luck or positive thinking that's for sure. Anyway, one of the reasons I really like to play alone. Thoughts?
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The G Man

Well-Known Member
Why do you get so involved on what others are thinking, saying ?
You play your hands your own way and let them talk, slam the table, get red, etc and you smile. Period.


Well-Known Member
I usually point out that it's my money in the circle, and if they want to play it their way, they can buy my hand and make it their money in the circle.

Usually it shuts them up, and sometimes I get to sell off lots of crappy hands, which is awesome.


Well-Known Member
There are other players at the table?

If I have a losing hand, such as 16vT, and the count is positive, so I'll stand, and someone objects, then I say, "sir, you're welcome to buy the hand from me for what I have in the circle and play it how you want." Usually it shuts them up. Sometimes I get a "full pay surrender" on the hand


Well-Known Member
The G Man said:
Why do you get so involved on what others are thinking, saying ?
You play your hands your own way and let them talk, slam the table, get red, etc and you smile. Period.
Hey G! Yeah... you're right though ... I"m working on it.


Well-Known Member
Blackjack gets dull and boring, but when I piss off ploppies. I get some fun lol learn to enjoy it, I love getting chance to split my tens knowing their is degen rager at table who will loose his sanity.


I'm a blackjack dealer. A week or two ago, I went on break from a full table and returned to it empty. I was told that one player had made a play another player (a whale by our standards, although not by Vegas standards) didn't like, and things got tense. As I sat down, whale passed me his usual wad of $100's which I counted out to $2600 and as I was starting to cut his chips, Mr. BadPlay also sat down and whale left.

In the past, I would pay zero attention to "what ifs." Now, playing thousands of hands a week (as a dealer) I find I sometimes can't help but do some minor reconstruction, as though I don't have other things on my mind. (Especially with three side bets, dealing is the ultimate multitasking exercise.) But it's still ridiculous. Every so often I tell players "I'm not absolutely positive about much, but one thing I'm positive of is that this card {remove card from shoe and deal it} has no idea what this card (remove second card) is."