Q- When ASM=CSM?

bj bob

Well-Known Member
A-At Fitzgerald's Reno.
Yes sir folks! Seems like the new management of good 'ol Fitz's on Virginia Street has decided to reinvent the term ASM and turn it into a CSM. It was very simple , really. All the dealer has to do is deal two rounds (no matter how many players) and voila! you now have a virtual CSM. Yep, just stick those 'ol cards right back into that new-fangled contraption and...BINGO! a whole brand spankin' new deck! No matter if they just ruined the hell out of the best game in town and no matter if they just spent a fortune on a dozen of them AUTOMATIC SHUFFLE MACHINE thingies. It'll fer sure keep them dang nammit card counters away from our place. Yeah, them card counter varmints are sure a danged nuisance up in these here parts. Why hell, they're just as bad as them damn Paiutes and even worse then those dang-burned Lutherans!
The most depressing fact, however, is that the new management of the Fitz is the L3 Corporation in partnership with RAC II LLC which stands for Robert A Cashell II, who just happens to be the son of the Mayor of Reno. I thought that those days were history in Nevada. Guess not.
So, what the hell. I would like to take this opportunity to be the very first to nominate our very own and beloved Zen Grifter to the post of the Chairman of the Nevada State Gaming Commision, background checks be damned!

bj bob

Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
Give it a few weeks. The regular games will be back.
Yeah, I'm all with you there Moo, but it may be just wishful thinking at this point. Trouble is that they've got a ton invested in those ASM's and need to justify that investment somehow. However, if their handle drops significantly, especially from the locals, then they might take a second look. Let's hope that's the case.
bj bob said:
Yeah, I'm all with you there Moo, but it may be just wishful thinking at this point. Trouble is that they've got a ton invested in those ASM's and need to justify that investment somehow. However, if their handle drops significantly, especially from the locals, then they might take a second look. Let's hope that's the case.
They're not the only store in town with ASM's. Just that others don't use the ASM that way.

In SD a good dealer can hand shuffle the deck about as fast as he can put the discards in the ASM and take a new deck out, so I don't know what they think they're accomplishing with the ASM's. They are going to get far fewer hands per hour than a standard dealing of the game.


Well-Known Member
Maybe they're still in some sort of trial window for the ASMs and can return them to shufflemaster.

Have you seen indications that the ASMs with rule-of-two penetration are hurting pace of game?

bj bob

Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
Maybe they're still in some sort of trial window for the ASMs and can return them to shufflemaster.
Now that's a happy thought. I hope you are right. BTW, they have them at your favorite laundromat too!
Have you seen indications that the ASMs with rule-of-two penetration are hurting pace of game?
Yeah, during the brief session there (45 mins.) there was one stuck card and one that didn't spit out causing a visit by the PC.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
They're not the only store in town with ASM's. Just that others don't use the ASM that way.

In SD a good dealer can hand shuffle the deck about as fast as he can put the discards in the ASM and take a new deck out, so I don't know what they think they're accomplishing with the ASM's. They are going to get far fewer hands per hour than a standard dealing of the game.
Amen to that and I also heard a grumble or two about the sacred flow. Thank God for the local ploppies, who, by the way are all constituents of his daddy. Since I have my official Jack-in-the Box cash card and speak Spanish, I too am eligible to vote in the State of Nevada.:devil:

bj bob

Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
It is truly the end of times.
Sounds like it. Next thing you know they'll be installing indoor plumbing. Just can't turn back the hands of progress, I guess.

The Stork

Well-Known Member

I was there 4 weeks ago and what happened is that they only dealt 20 cards before shuffling up. They told me that they have to count this number of cards. Retarded!!!! The only thing you can do is heads up, a 1-20 spread bet with any positive count at those shitty single decks, while raising your middle finger to the pitboss. LOL


bj bob

Well-Known Member
The Stork said:
The only thing you can do is heads up, a 1-20 spread bet with any positive count at those shitty single decks, while raising your middle finger to the pitboss. LOL

Or make the 150 ft. trek northward to the El Dorado.:whip:


bj bob said:
I would like to take this opportunity to be the very first to nominate our very own and beloved Zen Grifter to the post of the Chairman of the Nevada State Gaming Commision, background checks be damned!
I accept, and a vote for me is a vote for DEEP PENE! zg

bj bob

Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
I accept, and a vote for me is a vote for DEEP PENE! zg
Deep Pen. I know you'll get all the votes from the gals at the happy ranches!:whip: :devil::whip: