QFIT, is this a bug?


Well-Known Member
Don't think so. I answered in the original thread. BTW, V4.1 of CVBJ was announced today. I've brilliantly added a feature no one will use.


Well-Known Member
You have way too much free time and waaaay too much talent! No, I'm not jealous (much), I'm just worried about you.

Remember that part in Terminator 2 when the evil Terminator :devil: from the first movie becomes good for some reason :cool: and then goes back in time to kill the brilliant scientist who invented the evil Terminator software in the first place? :gun: :eek: Lets just hope the casinos don't invent a time machine!


P.S. - You're not planning on adding a feature where the software takes over everyone's computer and enslaves mankind, are you? At least not until V5, right?